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Viator APIs Integration Service For Your Solution

Viator is one of the largest and trusted sources founded in 1995 which is totally free, no setup cost or monthly account fees will be charged. Viator provides 200,000+ things to do to the customers. Viator holds 17 years of experience in the market. They also consist of more than 3,000 partners that offer valuable data on lodging and airlines.


Viator API allows developers to build a cost-effective travel application that allows the user to explore, search, and book travel experience worldwide. Viator provides variation of services, tickets, tour put forward by Viator API through the Viator website.

Becoming a Viator travel partner allows your customer for browsing and booking the number of city tours, adventure activities, study tour, Family tour, Friends tour, show tickets and many more. So, if you want visitors to book with you then integrate Viator API to your business.

Viator API:

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Viator XML API Integration acts as on-demand marketplaces where tour and activity suppliers from all over the world can list their services and gain more bookings. To integrate API in the website, development effort is necessary from both Viator and Supplier side.

There are two groups in which Viator Supplier API is made up of:

  • Viator Built API’s:- The API developed by Viator and consumed by the Suppliers.
  • Supplier Built API’s:- The API developed by the Supplier and consumed by the Viator

Business Process Support:

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Viator API’s have been designed to support various business process and each of the business processes is supported by the API’s called from either Viator or Supplier.

Following business process are supported by Viator Supplier API:

  1. Tour Creation– Supported by the tour list API.
  2. For determining the availability of tour– Supported by Availability, Batch availability, and availability notification API.
  3. For booking– Supported by Booking API.
  4. Modify booking-Supported by the Booking Amendment API.
  5. Cancel booking-Supported by Booking Cancellation API.
  6. Send and receive booking related notification from and to supplier– Supported by Booking Notification API(two-way communication).
  7. Listing booking in the Viator system– Supported by Booking Manifest API.
  8. Coupon redemption and fraud detection– Supported by Booking Redemption API.

Statistics of Viator API:

  • Customers can be browsing and booking services in 75+ countries and over 450 destinations worldwide.
  • As compared to all other sites in the world, the Global traffic rank is 5,200, and Country traffic rank is 2,336(United State).
  • Viator offers Partner websites in ten languages – including German, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

How is it to be integrated:

With the help of RESTful architecture and SOAP protocol, travel companies can elevate their customer bookings towards hotel booking, car rental, flight booking, holiday booking and many more.

  • SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol):- Soap is a message protocol that relies on XML. Generally, messages are defined a high level in XML but some SOAP application uses Web Service Definition Language(WSDL), and that is authored in XML.
  • RESTful(Representational State Transfer):- It is a web API which is implemented using HTTP and REST principle.REST mostly uses smaller message formats like JSON. In this developer have no need to install additional libraries during the creation of REST API.


(eXtensible Markup Language):- It is a markup language that was designed to store and transfer data. It defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format which is readable by human as well as the machine.


(Javascript Object Notation):- It is used for storing and exchanging data.

It supports open standard file format that uses human-readable text, and easy for a machine to parse and generate.

Programming interface accessible in Viator:

The Availability API allows Viator to decide whether the provider of the visit has accessibility for a particular number of travelers by reaching the provider reservations framework continuously.

The API has been intended to allow Suppliers to give accessibility data to a particular date or a date extend for Tours with or without visit alternatives. Based on the reaction from Suppliers, Viator frameworks will permit (for accessible dates) or prohibit (for inaccessible dates) clients to book a Tour. Viator provides many API like:

  1. Availability API
  2. Batch Availability API
  3. Booking API
  4. Booking Amendment API
  5. Booking Cancellation API
  6. Booking Notification API
  7. Tour List API
  8. Booking Manifest API

A few instances of API are given below:

Booking API:

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Booking API allows the supplier to receive a booking request from the Viator system in real time. In the supplier setting, a successful request will create the booking and return a success message to the Viator system which will confirm the booking directly to the customers and each API call is only for a single booking.

Following are the details regarding request and response format:

Booking Request:

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Booking Request Sample:

The below sample is a booking demand for two individuals, 1 grown-up and 1 child, going on October 31, 2014. The booking is for an item (BON_PRI) for the 9 am choice. Provider required data is given in the hub. A is gone in the booking to utilize the hold recently set by the Availability demand.

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This is the link you can take reference from here:- (

Booking Response:

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Booking Response Sample:

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This is the link you can take reference from here:- (

How can Let’s Nurture help?

Let’s Nurture is a leading Mobile app development company offering both iOS and Android platforms for 10+ years. We have experience in developing e-hospitality and rental on-demand market place applications. We have a specialized team of dedicated WordPress developers who will bring several ideas about a variation of services related to lodging and travelling.

To find out about the web-based and Android application contact our business development team now!

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IoT Automotive Solutions Disrupting Car Rental Business

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become an increasingly used buzzword across media platforms, as the growing topic of conversation around it has brought forth major implications to all industrial sectors. In the broadest sense of the term, Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of all computing devices that are embedded in everyday objects and connected to the internet. In having these connected devices within automated systems and privately (or public) closed off networks, it is possible to have them talk with one another, gather information, create an action, and learn from the process. According to Gartner, by the time we enter 2020, there will be 20 billion connected devices, and the industry will affect the most: the automotive industry.


How IoT is Poised to Disrupt Every Area of the Automotive Industry

Although the Internet of Things may not be the first thing you think of when peering into the automotive industry, for many automobile manufacturers, mobility solutions for the automotive industry are triggering a digital revolution within the vehicle manufacturing process. From improved remote access and control over your vehicle’s functionality to enhanced security features for car alarms and lost car keys, to improved control over vehicle status, driveability, and vehicle safety, an IoT enabled car is going to offer the consumer so much more than a traditional one. With this said, let’s take a look at how exactly IoT is disrupting the car rental market.

Vehicle Maintenance Becomes Easy:

When it comes to vehicle maintenance, a car rental company has a lot of vehicles to attend to that cannot be out of commission for any long period of time. This is where an IoT based smart sensor network comes in handy, as a fleet of car rental vehicles can have all credentials relating to vehicle maintenance measured accurately and in real-time. Things like air pressure, fuel indication, vehicle location, and oil levels can be measured, with the data being collected and stored for review. From the cloud, this data can be displayed on the screen through custom mobile application development that is accessible to both the car rental company and the consumers renting.

When it comes to the actual drop of and pick up of vehicles going through the vehicle maintenance process, this can be monitored and controlled through an IoT enabled web application development. This, in turn, provides the car rental company with high scalability, efficiency, and automation, as one can add as many third-party partners to the process and streamline each maintenance session.

Reduced Operational Costs:

Automotive IoT solutions can help you reduce the number of employees you need by automating the data retrieval process. You won’t need as many employees to book maintenance appointments, process billing or compile vehicle maintenance data. Leveraging Internet of Things technology, the operational process gets simplified and even supply chain management solutions can be implemented with remote monitoring.

Order Processing is Simplified:

Although a lot of consumers fill out the required information online when booking to rent a car, there are still some that prefer to do it in-person. In having to manually collect customer information, allocate a vehicle, and have the condition of the vehicle checked by an employee at the time of return, this gets tedious really quickly. With IoT technology, you can streamline the allocation of vehicles, the billing, the feedback forms, and the collection of customer information and payment.

Your Business Can Improve with an IoT enabled Rental Marketing Strategy:

You can attract regular and recurring customers by building personalization into your car rental business. This makes it so that when a car rental customer comes back and rents for a second, third, or fourth time, they will not have to go through each step of how they want their car rental personalized. It’s just as simple as providing the same or different car with the same preferences.

End to End Customer Service:

Beyond being able to connect the vehicle to the internet, which many customers would love to use on both long and short trips, IoT solutions also connects and pairs the user’s smartphone to the allocated/rented vehicle. Now, instead of needing a physical key to unlock the vehicle, one can just use their smartphone as a key on its own. This also allows the customer to play their own music through the vehicle’s entertainment station, make calls while driving, pay for gas, and navigate themselves using the onboard GPS. The best part about this, it’s all conveniently provided through one single application, making customer user-experience top notch.

A Greater Understanding Of How Customers Use the Rentals:

On a larger scale, IoT solutions can help car rental companies understand how their customers use the cars they rent from the company. How? Companies can track GPS locations, find out real-time data about local restaurants being searched for, and track what events the rental car consumer is interested in. This, in turn, can help the car rental company hand-tailor the repeat experience, deliver high-quality targeted advertisements, and provide improved service around features that get utilized on a trip by trip basis.

Connected Cars may be able to act as active agents:

As more vehicles become “connected cars” through IoT innovations like proximity sensors, cloud-based networks, and predictive intelligence, we will be able to enjoy a convenience that is far more reaching than the voice-activated searches and keyless entry we are used to today. Eventually, our vehicles will be able to notify people when we are running late, confirm appointments, book hotels, and even pay for parking through IoT solutions.

As more of these IoT features get implemented into vehicles, car rentals companies are going to be able to operate 24/7 as seamless mobile application booking, keyless smartphone entry, and billing payments made through the app will reduce the need for employees around the clock. Beyond this, car rental companies are going to be able to personalize the experience even further when voice activation services become refined through artificial intelligence, making in-car travel planning a breeze.

To know more about our custom, secure, robust and scalable IoT solutions for the automotive industry, please get in touch with our IoT and automotive industry experts.


How to Find a Reliable Technology Partner

Whether you are looking to build a first-rate product, develop a custom mobile application, or create a uniquely designed website, collaborating with a reliable technology partner is critical for a successful end result. In this presentation, you can know what type of steps you can take in order to find a reliable technology partner.

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Which Web Animation Tools Should You Use With Web App Development?

If you have ever come across a website that utilizes animated banners, has canvas animations on complicated drawings, or has beautifully rendered 3D animations on graphic icons, you can understand how eye-catching and attractive these web pages are. Animation has become an extremely popular option among website designers as a way to enhance user experience both on mobile apps and full-blown web pages. Not only do they make your website brighter and more attractive but they also boost user-engagement & foster digital marketing efforts.


Let’s take a look at 4 categories of web animation tools and why they are good to use for web app development.

1. Javascript Libraries:

These are some of the most popular animation options around as Javascript can be found pretty much everywhere on the web. Here are some popular tools you can use.

A) Scroll Magic: This is a plugin that is used specifically for scrolling animations. You can pin specific elements to scroll positions, animate elements based on the user’s scroll position, and even add your own parallax effects.

B) velocity JS: This is one of the most popular, fully-featured Javascript animation libraries around. It is used with a lot of popular websites such as Uber and WhatsApp and comes with SVG support, transformations, scrolling, loops, and color animations.

C) Vivus: For those who want to create drawn elements, Vivus offers three different animation styles (delayed, synced, and one by one), an option for a custom script, and the ability to manipulate animation timing, pathways, and styles. Vivus is a Javascript Library.

D) Anime.JS: This is a lightweight Javascript library that allows you to create multiple timings, easings, and playback. It can be used with CSS properties, CSS transformation, and DOM attributes.

E) GSAP: One of the most popular Javascript animation libraries around due to its diverse animation options. It can animate each property individually, giving you extensive customization for scaling, rotating, and moving any design element. It can be used with CSS, SVG, and DOM or anywhere that Javascript is used.

2. 3D Animations:

The most popular option to create 3D animations is from the Javascript Library Three.js. It comes with pre-built components that allow you to build up 3D animations on a canvas by creating a scene an adding in things like lights, shaders, textures, and models of course.

3. Code-Free Options:

For web developers that want to animate web pages that are built using a website builder (non-custom development), you can use either Readymag or Webflow.

A) Readymag: This is incredibly easy albeit simply, animation editor that allows you to apply basic effects like rotation, movement, and scaling. Some animations that you can create include scrolling, loading, and click and hover sequences. You can set it up to have steps so that a chain of animations follows one another.

B) Webflow: If Readymag wasn’t enough for creating multi-step animations, web flow allows you to do this without any coding knowledge. Some animations include transforming element sizes, changing up styling and position. You can also add in micro-interactions on different elements that change when hovered over, clicked, or moved.

4. Options for After Effects:

If you are a motion designer that wants to create after effect animations, the BodyMovin extension script allows for animations to be exported as .json files in their native rendering. These animations can then be rendered on a web browser in HTML, canvas, or SVG formats, making it quick and easy to add beautiful animations in both mobile application development and web development.

Although there are plenty of web animation tools out there, the main thing to keep in mind is to choose a type of animation that is going to keep your website page responsive and snappy. Choose web animation plugins and applications that keep the page looking modern, unique, and eye-catching.

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How to Find a Reliable Technology Partner

Whether you are looking to build a first-rate product, develop a custom mobile application, or create a uniquely designed website, collaborating with a reliable technology partner is critical for a successful end result. An ideal technology partner will have the expertise and educational background to create an innovative solution for you that is within your budget while understanding and maintaining your long-term vision.

Let’s explore what type of steps you can take in order to find a reliable technology partner.

1. Gain Valuable Insight from Their Website.

A company’s website is going to be a huge wealth of information and should be the first stop you make when trying to find a reliable technology partner. You’re going to be able to look at how many years of experience the company has, who their current and previous customers were, and what type of services they provide. In addition to this, you’ll be able to take a peek at client testimonials, get client references, and find out how the company deals with successful and unsuccessful projects. Beyond this, take a look at the company’s blog to see if it has consistent content that showcases valuable and authoritative information.

2. Examine Their Portfolio.

The main thing you want to look for is whether the company has a diversified portfolio. If they do, you’ll know by the various technology sectors they have worked in and what type of experience that brings to different projects across various industries. The key thing to look at is which projects within the portfolio have been successful and do these span across the industries you need that are unique to your business? If the answer is yes, you have a found a reliable partner.

3. Check Out Their Technology Stack and Domain.

When looking at a potential technology partner, you need to know what technology stacks they use and what their technical capabilities are. This is to ensure that their skills, software expertise, and specializations suit the scale of your project. The next thing to check is to find out if the company has domain expertise, which is to simply say, that they specialize in a specific field such as web app development or mobile app development. A company that specializes are going to have more in-depth knowledge about the industry and will, therefore, translate this into your product by using the best toolkit available.

4. Find Out If They Have Local Points of Contact & Representation.

Regardless of what your project is, having a point of contact and local representation is absolutely critical. Beyond the fact that you will be in the same timezone as your technological partner, making communication a breeze, having local representation means that they will understand your target market.

5. Learn About Their Workflow.

Learning about your potential technology partner’s workflow is crucial as they must understand the entire product lifecycle of your project so that the best management practices can be applied. Generally, a software development company will follow a six-step stage which will include verifying requirements, designing the user experience, generating a user interface design, provide a well-structured workflow framework around release, complete quality assurance, and offer post-analysis.

One of the best things you can do when determining whether a technology partner is right for you is use evaluation methods to get a direct look at their atmosphere, hiring process, work culture, experience, skills, and methodology. Check in on their reputation, past projects, and always their reviews.