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How Wearable Technology is Increasing Workplace Safety?

While we have mostly seen wearable technology in the form of fitness trackers and smartwatches, the technology covers a broad spectrum of device types and purposes. For instance, they can be found within accessories like eyewear or they can be integrated into clothing pieces to monitor an individual’s vitals. Wearables can perform basic computing tasks, or they can provide sophisticated tracking metrics on heart rate, fatigue, calories burned, and stress. The impact that wearable technology is having is powerful and extensive, bringing new untapped opportunities across several industries including workplace safety.


What Is Considered Wearable Tech in the workplace?

When we look at workwear, we see plenty of personal safety equipment in hard hats, safety glasses, flame retardant vests, and high visibility gear. But when we look at how wearable technology can improve these items, we see safety glasses with a heads-up display, hard hats with sensors, and high-visibility gear with wearable technology threaded throughout that monitors things like cortisol levels and tiredness. What this does is take personal equipment that the employee is responsible for wearing and utilizing and turning it into personal safety equipment that watches out for the employee. Essentially, it allows for there to be more visibility on the employees, as professionals can track the data and send for help if it is needed.

What Are Some Use Case Examples of Wearables Being Used for Safety?

  • Personal Gas Monitors: Wearable technology can be placed inside these gas monitors and data can be sent over the network to another party who can monitor the information that the gas monitor is collecting. This can help protect the individual wearing the gas monitor as the other party who can read the data, can warn the individual if they are in danger based on the data being sent back and forth.
  • Radio-Frequency Identification + Machines: Another use is with workers who are at construction sites or are inside mines, as wearable technology can be used to monitor the interaction between radio frequency identification (RFID) on employees and the interactions they have with machines (equipment). Essentially, an RFID chip with wearable technology is inserted into an individual’s hard hat or on their vest and it measures how often and how close a worker gets within a certain number of feet to equipment. This data can be used to determine if there are “near misses” between employees and equipment. This ends up helping the company create a hazard analysis, get a baseline between interactions, and then manage unwanted human-to-machine and machine-to-machine interactions.
  • Using Wearable Tech on Construction Sites for Fatigue: Wristband-type biosensors can be used to measure an employee’s stress, risk perception, physical demands, and fatigue. This is measured through how one’s head moves up and down, whether their eyes closed and for how long, and how straight they walk. If data comes back and it states that a worker is fatigued, they can be pulled off the construction site and told to rest, preventing any serious risk to all employees on the site.
  • Wearables Can Provide Risk Assessment for Musculoskeletal Disorders: Those who do manual work or those who sit for long hours at their job are at a higher risk for musculoskeletal disorders due to poor posture and tough working conditions. Wearables can provide a way to measure the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders and create ergonomic checklists to help individuals who are at risk.

The only current problem associated with wearable technology in the workplace is related to privacy concerns. Employees are less likely to take to the idea if they believe that their productivity levels are being monitored or that their data will be used in other non-consented ways. The key with this is for companies to be transparent about how the data will be used, offer employees the ability to opt-out of using wearables, and provide a self-assessment program so that workers can see how the wearables are helping them.

Looking for increasing workplace safety with using wearable technology? Feel Free to Contact Us now. Our expert team of wearable app developers and consultants provide expert wearable solutions worldwide.


Let’s Nurture became Technology Partners at Special Olympics World Games 2019 in Abu Dhabi

Let’s Nurture developed Wearable Tracking System on a website platform to track and locate differently abled Athletes at Special Olympics World Games 2019 in Abu Dhabi.


A technical lead from Let’s Nurture, an ISO 9001:2015 certified IoT App Development Company in India, has been to Abu Dhabi to be a part of tech team at this mega event in Abu Dhabi.

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We at Let’s Nurture built an IoT solution to track differently-abled athletes on behalf of an IoT company in Dubai. Our Tech Lead Krunal Sojitra is in Dubai working with the team and has been a part to provide the Technical Support for Special Olympics World Games 2019.

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About the Project:

A website development team at Let’s Nurture were given a project handover for developing a software system that tracks the differently abled athletes through a platform at all times using wearables technology and solutions. This software system was developed using the Laravel framework, PHP and MySQL for the database.

This IoT based Athlete Tracking Solution was specially developed for the Head of Delegation of Special Olympics World Games 2019Spoathletes.

“ We have always believed in our expertise to offer tailor-made IoT solutions leveraging cutting-edge technologies. Our own developed solutions being used at a global sports event like Special Olympics World Games in Dubai represents immense strength and belief in our team. This is exactly what we are capable of. We also want to thank our clients who thought of hiring us to deliver their purpose at the games.”- said Delivery Head, Let’s Nurture.

Our Expertise in IoT Solutions:

Renowned for offering custom IoT solutions and services applicable to diverse businesses, Let’s Nurture has expertise in the following services:

  • Industrial IoT development
  • IoT Applications development
  • Wearable App and integration
  • IoT based Prototype development
  • Product Engineering
  • IoT cloud integration with Watson
  • IoT cloud integration with Amazon
  • IoT cloud integration with Azure
  • IoT cloud integration with BOSCH
  • IoT cloud integration with CISCO Connect

If you want to know more about the same IoT & Wearable technologies based POCs and End solutions that can be applicable to various business domains, get in touch with IOT experts by calling on +1-631-954-6922. You can also drop your inquiry to

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TOP 9 Trends to Watch for in the Pet Care Industry – 2019 Edition

Over the past thirty years, the pet industry has experienced some major growth spikes, as younger generations reach adulthood and enter the consumer market. According to the American Pet Products Association, not only has millennial and generation Z consumers embraced pet-owning lifestyles, they actually account for 62% of total pet ownership. When this is compared to the fact that baby boomers only account for 32% of the 85 million homes that report owning a pet, it’s clear to see why the pet industry has seen an upsurge. Although technology may have made it easier to adopt, interact with, and care for our pets, other pet-related market trends are projected to gain a foothold in 2019.


1. Wearables Are Not Just For Humans Anymore!

Consumers are now able to purchase high-tech collars that allow them to keep track of the location of one’s pet, keep track of vital signs, and keep track of how much daily exercise they are getting. Similar to the types of wearables that humans have, these high-tech collars can record your pet’s heart rate, GPS location, body temperature, and some can even control electronic pet doors for easy transition between outside and inside areas. The information that these collars capture can be easily relayed to a computer, mobile apps, or veterinarian in real-time.

2. Telemedicine May Come To Your Pet.

Unless you have a pet that loves the vets, getting them to go can be stressful, aggravating, and riddled with anxiousness for both you and them. Luckily, telemedicine technology is improving access to veterinarians, animal nutritionists, and animal experts through the telephone, through video chats, and through online mobile applications. Getting answers in a quick fashion and being able to treat minor situations without having to get in the vehicle, may be closer than you think. For instance, Mixlab provides pet parents with personalized medications and wellness products that are custom designed for the pet’s size and shape and Toletta is a kitty litter box that monitors your cat’s health such as weight, urine volume, and can alert you to health risks. Technologies like IoT is enabling pet care industry.

3. Using Live Webcams for Pet Visits.

For pet owners who travel a lot, whether that be for work or leisure, and are unable to take their pet with them, checking in with a little “face time” through live streaming services is becoming popular. So much so, that some pet daycare companies are using them as a way for their customers to check in on their furry companions throughout the day.

4. Healthy Ingredients in Pet Food Is Becoming More Important.

Traditional pet food is starting to fall off in popularity, as their healthier counterparts are becoming touted more. Consumers want to be able to understand the ingredients they are giving their animals and so they are opting for more brands that offer fresh and frozen pet food options. Although these products tend to cost more, consumers are still trading up. One such example is Pet Plate, a subscription service that sells premium human-grade pet food to consumers that can be used as the pet’s entire diet plan or be used as a supplemental plan.

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5. Private Brands Are Growing.

Although you still see big brand names when you walk into pet stores, a lot of consumers are actually looking at online private brands more and more. This is because these private brands are choosing to disrupt the market by eliminating middleman profit margins, creating a brand identity that consumers can relate to, and providing convenience through online ordering. Most notable are Amazon and Chewy, which in recent years, have become popular PetCommerce (eCommerce Platforms for Pets) choices among pet parents.

6. More Attention is Being Placed on End of Life Services.

A lot of consumers care about the comfort of their pet during the end of life, and as such, more services and products have popped up surrounding palliative care, grief consulting, and cremation/let cemetery options.

7. Online Ordering Will Continue to Grow.

The convenience of ordering from Online Pet Store has not been lost on the newer generations, as this pet-related sector will continue to skyrocket in 2019. Many modern pet parents actually prefer to purchase pet food, medicine, and supplies online and have them delivered right to the front door. Beyond the fact that it is convenient, many modern pet parents also prefer this method since online stores are open 24/7, come with customizable ordering options, have express delivery, and access to other peoples’ reviews.

8. Social Media Accounts Just For Pets.

Although this may seem absurd at first, many pet parents are choosing to create social media profiles for their beloved animals because everyone loves being able to see cute, weird, or funny animals. There’s a reason why the internet has millions of cat videos and pictures. In addition to this, posed pet photos, amusing animal videos, and weird compilations tend to get millions of views on Youtube and Instagram, reaping rewards for the owner in the form of sponsorships and partnerships.

Modern pet owners are also starting to join social networks that are tailored specifically towards those who have a preference in pet ownership. One such application is Dig, which is a dating app for individuals who are dog owners or who want to become dog owners in the future.

9. Premium Pet Food is More Commonly Found.

More and more grocery stores, dollars stores, and mass merchants are starting to carry premium pet food brands. This is a direct result to modern pet parents wanting the very best for their animal companions and so making premium pet food available at more points of distribution, brings in higher profit margins.

In addition to the above trends, more and more modern pet parents are opting into companies that provide pet customization, whether it be through health and wellness products such as Animal Biome, through preference-based subscription boxes such as PupJoy and KitNipBox, or through entertainment options such as DOGTV.

How Let’s Nurture can help you for Pet Mobility Solutions?

Let’s Nurture has extensive experience in developing flawless pet care mobile solutions. Be it on-demand marketplace for dog walkers-sitters, IoT enabled dog collar app, dog fitness app or GPS enabled dog tracking app. You name it, we will deliver IT. With expertise of our in-house team of web and mobile (Android/ iOS) developers, we deliver a secure, robust and scalable solution.

Our Value Propositions:

  • Extensive experience in deploying numerous mobile apps
  • Creative and Purposeful iOS and Android App Development
  • Affordable mobile app estimation
  • Optimised and Structured Coding Standards
  • Strategic Usability Testing
  • Free Deployment and Guaranteed Approval

Want to discuss developing a prosperous dog training application? Talk to our business consultants for a swift estimation in no time.


Rise of Wearables and future of Wearable Technology

Wearable is the gadget that can be worn down. This gadget usually has smart sensors which are connected to the internet/ network for data exchange. In 2000, the first Bluetooth wearable device was sold and in 2017 first Fitbit watch was launched. The famous Google glass launched in 2013, was the first voice-enabled head mounted display which combines the uses of Augmented reality and the ability to capture images. The wearable market leveraging wearable app development technology is growing as the number of gadgets worldwide is expected to jump from 325 million in 2015 to 830 million in 2020.

Need and Rise of Wearable Apps & Devices

In today’s busy world, people want to track their daily activities to improve their lives. The wearable devices can be worn on the body as an implant or accessories to use the wearable apps for various functionalities. Wearables are providing many services using IoT and Machine Learning technologies. Due to IoT, these devices can exchange data between the device and network. From physical fitness to fashion Industry, the use of wearable devices and wearable apps is increasing day by day leveraging wearable applications development services.

Wearable technology today has become as popular as smartphones, mobile apps, broadband, and computing.

Wearable devices you get in today’s Market

Wearable Devices and apps

Big Legends of IT market such as Amazon and Google are now providing the support for these wearable devices. The basic SDK which can be fabricated to anything new is now available from different vendors. Some of the wearable devices you might have seen around you such as Health Band, Heart Rate Monitors, Smart ECG Meter. Apple in its series of smartwatches launched Apple Watch Series 3 which has built-in cellular for data and even phone calls. The Fitbit which becoming popular day by day is also a Wearable Architecture. This simple and stylish health band can track your health in real-time.

Given the way that a little gadget might be worn on a piece of the body not ordinarily in see or effortlessly open, the conceivable outcomes for a human-machine interface (HMI) is somewhat restricted—and unquestionably do exclude a huge show or console. For the genuine gadget, these restrictions may boil down to a few lights and several little catches, or on account of a smartwatch, maybe a touch show alongside a few catches. In numerous cases, physical catches in favour of a watch can be set to various alternatives with catch blends and the present capacity showed on the screen. This still doesn’t add up to a very rich user interface. The technology uses Phone as a gateway to transmit the data and the cloud services help to achieve different goals.

Some Challenges which you can face while developing such a product?

  • Security might cause some problems by manipulating physical hardware.
  • Battery life can cause some problem when the device is measuring data from many sensors.

Some Solutions which lets nurture can provide in your product lifecycle:

  • Data can be made more secure by using encrypted algorithms.
  • Battery life can be improved by using deep sleep modes and low energy solutions.
  • Can convert the Bluetooth solutions to a more robust solution such as Wifi-enabled or Beacon powered solution.
  • Help in providing the network connected solution such as Dedicated network where data is more protected.

What can be done with data that have been collected from wearable gadgets?

  • Data analytics (e.g can give a different set of advice such as change battery of device in 15 days).
  • Predictive analysis (e.g Health Care).
  • Event Triggers (e.g Turn the Geyser On when returning from a workout).

Wearable Future:


Why Let’s Nurture for Wearable app development?

We breathe innovations and wearable applications development services is one of our fortes for many years now having developed custom wearable apps for our clients in 12+ countries. By choosing us for your wearable app development project, you are bound to get the number of guaranteed perks along with top-notch deliverables.

  • Proficiency in Wearables Development Domain
  • Wearable App design and Prototyping
  • Fully Functional and Smooth Wearable Apps
  • Wearable App Upgradations
  • Apps for Bespoke Screen size
  • Cost-effective Development and Timely Deliverables

As the IT’s Calender Gartner cycle (Hypercycle of Emerging Technologies) predicts the Wearable technologies will be at a plateau in coming years so this is the right time for DevOps to dive into this market to get maximum returns.

If you have a similar idea and are looking to consult an expert team of wearable app development using Android Wear, Apple watch or others, get in touch with us now!!