
A Natural Snack Company | Let’s Nurture Portfolio

PHP web developers at Let’s Nurture developed complete Ecommerce solution for the client website that was initially built using CodeIgniter. To provide Ecommerce features, we integrated WordPress CMS framework to existing website using WooCommerce plugin with PayUMoney as a payment gateway.


Web Site Development

Why Python is Language of greats for Business?

You are getting into new business and you have a great idea for your tech startup for it. Though having idea is great to start, but you have to build a solution/service for the same to get your business off the ground; be it a website, social network, software solution, or mobile app. But what language will suit your business since IT products is always the question to get the startup going on a reasonable budget.

You might guess from the title of this post that I think the right answer is Python. But why?

  • Why Python is ideal for any Startup?
  • Python is generally useful for the startups in the following ways:
  • Startups can start earning faster using Python
  • A small team can write code almost effortlessly
  • The specific requirements of startups that Python fulfills
  • You can create working prototypes easily
  • Python helps startups get investments easily
  • Python helps tackle complexity
  • Good custom support is available

The journey beginning’s, startups generally do not have much money to spare. They often work with the cost around $15,000-$20,000. In the world of IT, that budget may not be realistic, except if you work with the Python. Moreover they do not more time to convince investors and partners as well for the potential of project. And the end they come up with the product development as soon as they can to be able to make their first money and survive.

Python can prove quite economical in terms of both time and money. And to hire python web developers for your startups, proves to be helpful to save your time as well with the cutting edge solutions with the affordable price.
Let’s go through some reasons why python is best for your startups.

1. Python helps startups get investments easily
Once you hire Python web developers / system that works, you only have to fix errors and gain investments at a rapid pace. Startups have to show the investors what the product is all about, to induce them to provide funds. The project development do not progress despite promotion and the industry you find in the market, unless investors agree to provide you the money you require to move forward. Most of the time, PoC is used only to convince investors and not any further in the business.

2. A Small team can write Code effortlessly
Python Web developers write PoC’s almost effortlessly. Thus there is no need to assemble a large team of Python developers to create a good-quality product. Thus startups get an opportunity to try different ideas and work out. Moreover, the working prototype can provide the boost of confidence necessary to move forward.

3. Availability of Good Custom Support
This helps your product for high quality and to be stable and less prone to crashes or flaws. Python lets you with the prompt support, besides quick resolution of technical issues.

4. Startups can Earn at a Rapid pace
Your startup may get challenged unless you get to the market and begin earning money quickly. If you build and support your project in Python, the returns will be faster as Python will let you work fast. Moreover, because of you have spend less, you will gain higher insights.
Biggest Takeaway

Python is used in operations of the giant search engines like – ‘Google’, King of video sharing-‘YouTube’, other eminent bodies like ‘NASDAQ Stock Exchange’ and ‘NASA’. There are many more places where python has made its mark witnessing success of businesses, government organizations and many others. It has altered the nomenclature of programming languages greatly and is increasingly used for writing larger applications with ease.

If you are looking to hire Python web developers for Python web site development services, then feel free to contact us. We would be happy to channel our solid business domain experience and technical expertise into working with you through our expert services for Python web programming. Contact us today to request a quote and learn more about our Python web development services.