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TOP 6 Most Popular Robotic Process Automation Tools

Implementation of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology not only helps to save time but also does the task efficiently. In every organization, there are repetitive tasks. RPA software is fully automated so its use provides efficient results in tasks and overall output. The software uses BOT function for the Robotic process automation.

Integration of RPA software normally depends on the individual company’s requirement. RPA software or system must have a great interface. It must communicate with other systems as well. Proper programming skills for RPA tools are required for great functioning. The type of software you use also depends on medium and large organizations.

TOP 6 Most Popular Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Tools:

1) UiPath

It provides all the core functions and it is user-friendly for non-developers too. It provides complete security by providing encryption and full access control based on the role. The automation speed of the software is amazing. It provides an open platform and it can handle processes in any number.

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It has a drag and drop facility and there are no programming skills required. It provides good features at a great price. The best part is the software is apt for any size of business and can be used flexibly. The software provides a free version for small teams and companies.

2) Blue Prism

The platform works with any application but you should have the right programming skill. It is user-friendly and it’s ideal for large and medium organizations. It supports a multi-environment deployment model along with the security network and software credentials. It can easily integrate with any software tool or application to provide you complete flexibility.

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The high-speed execution of the software saves a lot of time and effort. It gives you complete platform independence, which works for all the skilled tasks. Blue prism works on the right kind of programming skills so having a little technical knowledge will help you. It is marginally priced software.

You can also read: Types of Robotic Process Automation

3) Automation Anywhere

Automation Anywhere provides cloud and on-premise services. The software provides bank-grade security that keeps your system secured. It also provides security through encryption, credentials, and authentication. It’s perhaps the best software for big organizations. The software also provides real-time reports and analytics feature that gives you a detailed report about the project.

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It provides complete platform independence so that you can integrate your software with an internal system. It’s quite user-friendly and flexible. It provides all the core capabilities that you require for business functions. Auto automation feature saves time and effort of the employees as well.

4) Contextor

It’s a perfect tool for front offices and works station appliances. It can communicate with all the active applications and other software applications that can be minimized. It can create workstation appliances in parallel and that is the major highlight of this software application. It also supports a hybrid visualization environment and Citrix.

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It provides a complete report and analytic function that can be used according to tasks. It works fast and in an efficient way. The best part is it can integrate with AI to give you a great performance and output result. It only supports Windows operating system as of now.

5) Kryon

It’s the best RPA software that offers multiple solutions. It offers three different services for automation. It offers attended, unattended and hybrid solutions for business. An amazing tool that can help you to make decisions as well. The attended tool has the power to give you speed and accuracy for every task you perform with the help of technology.

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The hybrid automation helps to give you efficient results. The software provides a scalable technology and helps to increase the productive output of the company. It also provides a unique recording facility. The software can perform repetitive and time-consuming tasks without any issue. It is quite user-friendly and flexible in integration.

You can also read: Latest Trends in Robotic Process Automation

6) Pega

It is the most popular RPA software that is also a business project management tool. It can be used for desktop servers and cloud-based services. It works on Mac, Linux, and Windows. It is ideal for medium business organizations. It helps with deployment solutions and distributes work evenly to desktop, servers, and employees.

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You can manage work in an effective and automated way with this software. It saves everything in memory and not the database. As it’s event-driven, it works faster. It is reliable and strong software that you can use for automated tasks. You can buy the software on a monthly scheme.

The Right Tool…

When you choose a software always look for scalability, platform independence, and working capability. The software must integrate well with your system so that you get productive results. It must have great OS support and should be user-friendly. You can easily compare from the best tools available and then decide which one is best for your company. Compare all the features before you buy RPA software.

Let’s Nurture, a leading Mobile app development company has been providing end-to-end Robotic Process Automation (RPA) consultation services for businesses to automate the process through RPA. The right Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Tool must integrate well with your system so that you get productive results.

For more details, Get in touch with us.

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TOP 3 Charity Applications for Giving Back

In today’s world charity is one of the kindest acts demonstrated by individuals in order to give back to society. There are many mobile apps and web apps which have been created solely for charity purposes. Revolutionary custom mobile app development technology and usage of smartphones these days have made it easier to reach to right donors more effectively with instant access.


Charity Mobile application can increase donation for individuals and organisations. It can make donating simple, fast and effortless. Online donation via mobile app can enable NGOs, NPOs and individuals to support a cause by allowing people to contribute instantly.Take a look, Top 3 amazing charity applications which allow charity to be made easier.

TOP 3 Charity Applications to Look For

1) One Today

One Today is an interesting app that allows users to browse through projects of their own choice. People pay $1 or more depending upon their generosity as a donation. The best part about this app is that it is validated by Google and IRS i.e. your entire donation goes directly to charity. Also, you will receive a year-end tax receipt for all the donations made.

2) Budge

Budge is a fun based charity app that engages with three different aspects:

– Challenge

– Play

– Donate

This allows users to challenge friends or family like don’t smoke for a day or walk a mile which they play for fun and donate to a cause. It is user-friendly and allows children under the age of 18 years to use the app under parental consent. Once you have donated to charity, Budge charges a 5% amount from your donation as a few for using the application.

3) GiveTide

GiveTide allows people who are busy scheduled not to worry about donating at all. Yes, that’s the most unique feature! Use the app on your phone for shopping, pay via debit or credit card. It automatically going to add your spare change up for you and that donates to charity. Also, you have the pause feature which allows you to stop whenever you feel like. So just remember to round up, tap and donate!

Charities have the advantage of making the most of the innovations in the form of being mobile applications. The mobile app market is the best way to reach out to target audiences and spread awareness. App design specialists are available in many countries that work for causes across the globe. Various projects allow you to personalize your objectives.

Want to create your own charity app? Then what are you waiting for! There are many charity app builders that allow making apps for nonprofits. App institute allows you to build your own charity app without coding. Features and innovative designing techniques allow you to design your own apps.

To create your own charity app, take a look at the following quick and easy steps:

  • Select your template with features and tabs you need
  • Brand your app by promoting your charity’s information on Facebook
  • Customize your app with everything your users need
  • Make your app live to release your charity app to the world

Some custom developed Android and iOS mobile charity applications come with built-in features which allow you to collect donations or sell things for charity.

Yet, there are a couple of important things which are needed to be considered while developing a custom charity application.

Important Things to be Considered for Building Charity Apps:

– Communication: A custom built charity app platform should provide access to donors’ contact information. Donors may appreciate if receipts of donation confirmed transactions. This helps in increased trust and reliability over the donors.

– Receiving Payments & Monitoring Transactions: The charity app platform should ensure that no online donation transactions goes failed. Charity app must be able to provide seamless and user-friendly, frictionless transactions.

– Option to donate anonymously: This advance feature in charity web app or charity mobile app can allow donors to remain anonymous. This may help raise funds for sensitive causes. Having an option like this only helps in building patronage amongst donors for a good cause.

– Accepting international donations: The charity app platform should be able to accept different currencies and foreign cards to receive donations from abroad. It will only help to retrieve even more donations if payment process for domestic and international payments is thoughtfully integrated.

Work for a cause now and start your own projects by collaborating! The charity sector has been one of the slowest to adopt new technology, with smaller charities in particular struggling to keep up with the demands (and costs) of digital innovation. However, try and consult with our industry experts who will guide you to new yet unique ways that can convert your charity app idea into an amazing reality.

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How IoT (Internet of Things) Industry Will Revolutionize Sports Equipment Industry?

IoT (Internet of things) technology is changing the world big time. Various IoT solutions have transformed a million lives personally, professionally, off the field and now on the field too.

Yes, you read it right! Gone are the days where people were focusing on player performances in the game. IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT THE GAME ANYMORE.


Digitization leveraging IoT app development and IoT solutions have forced Sports Industry to adapt to the change. It helps in real-time analysis of player performances in training sessions and matches along with unprecedented statistics on various aspects of the game.

Encouraging signs for Investors and Sports Equipment Organizations

Smart sports equipment help players of any kind, professionals and amateurs, to monitor, track, analyze and improve their performances. According to reports from Fund Global and Retail Technologies, Smart sports equipment is predicted to account for 7.5% of total sports equipment market by 2020 compared to 2.9% in 2015.

This shows a huge opportunity for sports equipment manufacturers and retailers along with sports organizations who are in contract.

Let us have a look at some majestic sports equipment powered by the Internet of Things.

IoT Powered Sports Equipments – a Magnificent Upgrade for Athletes

Smart Cricket Bats

Team India’s former legendary spin bowler Anil Kumble owns a sports technology company named Spektacom for whom Microsoft team is developing IoT based Smart bats.

It will be officially known as a ‘Power Bat’ which includes IoT sensors on bats which will help in delivering useful insights on players batting style.

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Real-time data on various parameters like impact, angle, distance, thrust and bat speed can be gathered, monitored and saved for post-match analysis for team meetings.

Adidas miCoach Smart Football

German-based sports equipment manufacturers giant, Adidas, has developed IoT powered smart football for German national football team. The IoT sensor(s) inside the ball has the ability to detect speed, spin, strike, and flight path.

The app users can see the diagnostics via IoT based Smart ball app which helps in analyzing player performance and carry our scope of improvement discussion during team briefings. The battery is rechargeable which leads to 2000 kicks of playing time with complete power capacity.

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We have seen technologies like IoT and wearable app development integrated into the Goal-line technology system introduced by FIFA over a couple of years too. Football is known to be ‘A Beautiful Game’, IoT is making it even more interesting and most importantly ‘A Fair Game’.

Wilson’s X Connected

American giants, Wilson Sporting Goods developed a smart basketball which has functionality similar to Adidas’ smart soccer ball.

As discussed above it gives data for overall game performance tracking with analytics for smart coaching.

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However, like football, it’s battery cannot be recharged due to ball design limitations and will turn itself into a regular basketball when the battery of the IoT sensor dies.

Smart Helmets

Perhaps, this is the biggest innovation pertinent to player safety. No other sports injury has received greater attention during the game as concussions or head injuries. Unfortunately, the world of sports has seen many players losing lives on the field due to severe head injuries over the years. This is one area where IoT based ‘Smart Helmets’ play a leading role.

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Smart Helmets contain impact sensors in-built which help in determining the severity of impact and if the player is exposed to a potential brain injury immediately. So if that is the case, the player can be withdrawn and sent for immediate treatment or diagnosis rather than on-field treatments.

Sports Gears with IoT Sensors

A lot of wearable devices have been used recently but only a few of them have succeeded. For example, chest bands can be uncomfortable for football players while controlling the ball through the chest and considered not safe. Instead, smart vest with IoT sensors came in which can be worn over the team shirt with no hardware on the front.

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Smart vests read players heart rate and record GPS data via IoT sensors and send real-time data for analytics. Spanish footballing giants Real Madrid and English giants Arsenal have started using connected vests during live matches.

Win-Win Situation for Amateurs, Athletes & Marketers

Smart sports equipment has shown encouraging signs and dynamism for sustainable market growth. It is widely expected that as IoT based sports equipment will become mainstream, multiple competitors will arise. This will cause a price drop in these smart sports goods and make them more affordable to buy. This will lead to increased sales in smart sports equipment, what else could be better for marketers!

Athletes are loving it and they will stick to such IoT powered smart sports equipment. Consumer adoption shall increase as more and more athletes are joining the party to use smart equipment to track their own progress. Smart Sports Equipment also creates a huge opportunity for virtual coaching programs based on access to real-time data.

Wintergreen Research predicts that the global market for sports coaching platform will be around $861 million in 2021, compared to $49 million in 2014.

Why choose Let’s Nurture to develop Smart Sports Equipment?

Let’s Nurture is an ISO 9001:2015 certified IoT solutions providing company having a pool of expert embedded engineers for product design, IoT based custom PCB design, embedded systems design, open hardware implementation, etc. Pioneering mobile app development for 10+ years, we can serve with top-notch IoT app development services with integration with hardware system for seamless communication and real-time data analysis.

We love all kinds of sports and our developers are huge sports enthusiasts which makes it easy for us to understand the similar requirements of our clients.

Have a similar idea in developing IoT powered sports equipment? Free expert consultationwith our Sports Tech Specialists is just a Click away!

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Viator APIs Integration Service For Your Solution

Viator is one of the largest and trusted sources founded in 1995 which is totally free, no setup cost or monthly account fees will be charged. Viator provides 200,000+ things to do to the customers. Viator holds 17 years of experience in the market. They also consist of more than 3,000 partners that offer valuable data on lodging and airlines.


Viator API allows developers to build a cost-effective travel application that allows the user to explore, search, and book travel experience worldwide. Viator provides variation of services, tickets, tour put forward by Viator API through the Viator website.

Becoming a Viator travel partner allows your customer for browsing and booking the number of city tours, adventure activities, study tour, Family tour, Friends tour, show tickets and many more. So, if you want visitors to book with you then integrate Viator API to your business.

Viator API:

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Viator XML API Integration acts as on-demand marketplaces where tour and activity suppliers from all over the world can list their services and gain more bookings. To integrate API in the website, development effort is necessary from both Viator and Supplier side.

There are two groups in which Viator Supplier API is made up of:

  • Viator Built API’s:- The API developed by Viator and consumed by the Suppliers.
  • Supplier Built API’s:- The API developed by the Supplier and consumed by the Viator

Business Process Support:

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Viator API’s have been designed to support various business process and each of the business processes is supported by the API’s called from either Viator or Supplier.

Following business process are supported by Viator Supplier API:

  1. Tour Creation– Supported by the tour list API.
  2. For determining the availability of tour– Supported by Availability, Batch availability, and availability notification API.
  3. For booking– Supported by Booking API.
  4. Modify booking-Supported by the Booking Amendment API.
  5. Cancel booking-Supported by Booking Cancellation API.
  6. Send and receive booking related notification from and to supplier– Supported by Booking Notification API(two-way communication).
  7. Listing booking in the Viator system– Supported by Booking Manifest API.
  8. Coupon redemption and fraud detection– Supported by Booking Redemption API.

Statistics of Viator API:

  • Customers can be browsing and booking services in 75+ countries and over 450 destinations worldwide.
  • As compared to all other sites in the world, the Global traffic rank is 5,200, and Country traffic rank is 2,336(United State).
  • Viator offers Partner websites in ten languages – including German, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

How is it to be integrated:

With the help of RESTful architecture and SOAP protocol, travel companies can elevate their customer bookings towards hotel booking, car rental, flight booking, holiday booking and many more.

  • SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol):- Soap is a message protocol that relies on XML. Generally, messages are defined a high level in XML but some SOAP application uses Web Service Definition Language(WSDL), and that is authored in XML.
  • RESTful(Representational State Transfer):- It is a web API which is implemented using HTTP and REST principle.REST mostly uses smaller message formats like JSON. In this developer have no need to install additional libraries during the creation of REST API.


(eXtensible Markup Language):- It is a markup language that was designed to store and transfer data. It defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format which is readable by human as well as the machine.


(Javascript Object Notation):- It is used for storing and exchanging data.

It supports open standard file format that uses human-readable text, and easy for a machine to parse and generate.

Programming interface accessible in Viator:

The Availability API allows Viator to decide whether the provider of the visit has accessibility for a particular number of travelers by reaching the provider reservations framework continuously.

The API has been intended to allow Suppliers to give accessibility data to a particular date or a date extend for Tours with or without visit alternatives. Based on the reaction from Suppliers, Viator frameworks will permit (for accessible dates) or prohibit (for inaccessible dates) clients to book a Tour. Viator provides many API like:

  1. Availability API
  2. Batch Availability API
  3. Booking API
  4. Booking Amendment API
  5. Booking Cancellation API
  6. Booking Notification API
  7. Tour List API
  8. Booking Manifest API

A few instances of API are given below:

Booking API:

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Booking API allows the supplier to receive a booking request from the Viator system in real time. In the supplier setting, a successful request will create the booking and return a success message to the Viator system which will confirm the booking directly to the customers and each API call is only for a single booking.

Following are the details regarding request and response format:

Booking Request:

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Booking Request Sample:

The below sample is a booking demand for two individuals, 1 grown-up and 1 child, going on October 31, 2014. The booking is for an item (BON_PRI) for the 9 am choice. Provider required data is given in the hub. A is gone in the booking to utilize the hold recently set by the Availability demand.

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This is the link you can take reference from here:- (

Booking Response:

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Booking Response Sample:

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This is the link you can take reference from here:- (

How can Let’s Nurture help?

Let’s Nurture is a leading Mobile app development company offering both iOS and Android platforms for 10+ years. We have experience in developing e-hospitality and rental on-demand market place applications. We have a specialized team of dedicated WordPress developers who will bring several ideas about a variation of services related to lodging and travelling.

To find out about the web-based and Android application contact our business development team now!