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Predictive Maintenance: The Next Frontier in Manufacturing

In industries where equipment failure is one of the largest causes of downtime, manufacturers must find solutions that prevent lengthy and unplanned downtimes. Why? Unplanned downtime can destroy their ability to be competitive in the market. Traditional solutions to handle these downtimes are either replace the parts before their end of life comes up by making calculated guesses, or predict downtimes based on past occurrences. Unfortunately, both solutions are not a perfect fit and can be cost-intensive and very risky on the manufacturer’s end. The current trend of maintenance requires a tradeoff, whether it be reactive, planned, or proactive, whereas, in the predictive maintenance era, this will not be required.

Why Do traditional solutions have tradeoff?

Due to how limited traditional solutions are, they have quite a few tradeoffs when utilizing them. For instance, if a manufacturer wants to be reactive to downtimes, they must understand when their machine parts will hit maximum utilization. At max utilization, the whole machine can become damaged and result in the downtime.

On the other hand, if a manufacturer wants to plan for the downtime and not risk the breakdown of their machines, they must replace parts before their end of life, with the tradeoff being increased part replacement costs. To be proactive in protecting themselves from unplanned breakdowns, one must increase maintenance costs to extend machine part life. As we can see, these tradeoffs are not necessarily cost-effective or foolproof solutions. With predictive maintenance, these tradeoffs are eliminated as it minimizes downtime and backs up proactive maintenance with data so that costs can be maintained.

How does the Internet of Things work with predictive maintenance?

When you attach the Internet of Things to a physical asset like a manufacturing machine, you create a cycle between the IoT device and the physical machine. This cycle works on a physical to digital and back to physical cycle, meaning your physical asset provides digital data to the device, which creates a physical solution.

Here is how it would work.

  • An IoT device with sensors is placed onto the manufacturing machine. The sensors generate data that pertains to how the machine is functioning.
  • The generated data is digitized and analyzed for insights. This could be analyzing information about part breakdown percentages, parts that are not working correctly, or even data on the end of a specific part of the life cycle.
  • These insights are relayed back to the machine and physical actions, like replacing parts can be taken.

Essentially, this IoT enabled cycle allows organizations to take actions based on real-time data, making companies more agile in their response times and creating smoother operations with minimized disruptions.

How does predictive maintenance ensure smooth operations?

While the major benefit of predictive maintenance is the ability to identify and manage risks that are associated with machine downtimes, it can be used across a wide variety of industries that require the assessment of operational data.

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Here is how predictive maintenance ensures that a smooth operation occurs.

  • By using a combination of science, math, and engineering principles, predictive maintenance brings dependability and efficiency to the productive process and all products within that process.
  • Predictive maintenance can analyze multiple operational data sources and types. It can generate and analyze real-time data, batch-data, structured or unstructured data, and even at rest or streaming data components.
  • By using data from IoT enabled devices, the predictive maintenance model can be continuously improved upon, factoring in other types of data generation points like motor circuits, vibrations, and thermography.
  • Predictive maintenance can create a data-based multivariate metric that provides manufacturers with information on end of life or remaining life for parts. This is statistically significant because it removes the guesswork that is used with traditional methods.

Which industries can be impacted the most with Predictive maintenance?

1) Structural Infrastructure:

In countries where infrastructure is in dire need of repair, predictive maintenance can aid in helping construction crews know what needs to be repaired when and why. For instance, things like bridges, sewers, and highways that go unrepaired for long periods can have dire consequences on the population, but if a predictive maintenance model is used, disasters can be avoided, and costs controlled.

2) Automakers:

One always hears about the vehicle recalls, which is not only annoying for customers who have these vehicles, but it poses quite a dangerous risk to those who have vehicles being recalled for serious issues. If automakers were to use data and machine learning from predictive maintenance, issues could be uncovered during the design and roll-out phases, preventing major recalls.

3) Oil & Gas Production:

There are millions of pipelines that traverse countries with the sole purpose to transport oil and gas. Many of these pipelines were constructed decades ago, resulting in the deterioration from overuse and aged materials. As these pipelines get older, there is a much higher likelihood that failures will increase. Being able to predict and prepare for these situations can avert major disasters.

4) Airline Maintenance:

When it comes to airline maintenance, it can get complicated very quickly due to how vast the aviation industry is. It may take several teams to understand why a specific part is in disrepair. Predictive maintenance offers a safer and simpler solution that is economical.

Is Predictive Maintenance Possible?

Yes, predictive maintenance is technically possible, and it is currently technically accessible as well. Companies do not need to make massive investments into acquiring the predictive maintenance model because the data that is needed to be proactive about maintenance is already available. It just needs to be captured, stored, and analyzed. The first step in making it happen is connecting machinery to IoT sensors so that real-time data can be tracked. This data should then be fed into a network where it can be stored and processed in large volumes. Once the data is gathered, anomalies and patterns should be tracked, and corrective action should be taken based on data insights.

Let’s Nurture – the best IoT app development company provide expert consulting to help Companies not to make massive investments into acquiring predictive maintenance. Our expertise in providing IoT based solutions has helped us in developing a Smart Automotive Solution, KarConnect, on Web and Android platforms.

Let’s talk and build innovations around us!

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Top 5 Generic Diagnostic Codes & How OBD apps like KarConnect can help you to resolve it?

According to Statista, “Every year the lives of approximately 1.35 million people are cut short as a result of a road traffic crash. Between 20 and 50 million more people suffer non-fatal injuries, with many incurring a disability as a result of their injury.”

This may be due to improper functioning of the vehicle or rash driving behavior. As these consequences also affect the country’s overall GDP growth along with personal losses, an IoT based automotive solution is the primary need to bring that level of awareness with car/ vehicle safety.

Importance of on Vehicle Diagnostic Systems:

Implementation of OBD-ll became mandatory after 1996 for all cars. As a result, all light-duty truck and medium-duty vehicles are having OBD-II port integrated. It helps to check emission, fuel economy, low-performance indication, and scores of other minute issues. Before Implementation of OBD-II, drivers were bound to visit garage physically with their vehicle to fix even the small faults and waste a lot of time. It invariably resulted in decreased efficiency of fleet operations.


Moreover, It is always very expensive to pay repair bills in the absence of OBD reader. In addition, The Driver should be knowing the vehicle’s technical aspects as modern vehicles are not easy to repair. The OBD scanner tools have turned it into budget-friendly and time-saving solution with the possibility of self-diagnosis and immediate reporting on malfunctioning of the specific component. It eliminates unnecessary repairs with complete information.

For instance: When the vehicle engine is malfunctioning, the driver might think that it’s time to tune the engine, but perhaps, the system just needs oiling. When the driver gets the same information on the dashboard and reads it with the OBD-ll scanner, they can easily pinpoint where the problem is and find out whether it’s in their control to fix or not. When the faults are minor, they can be fixed easily at a low cost than rushing for an authorized service center or garage.

The list of Top 5 generic codes which can be detected using an OBD Sensor.


Why OBD2 based Vehicle Diagnostic App is needed?


Road Accidents are caused by two basic factors – improper driving and non-maintenance of vehicle. These road accidents cost $518 billion globally, costing individual countries from 1-2% of their annual GDP. With KarConnect, we aim to save those numerous lives and build a better global economy by reducing the loss of GDP.

Expensive diagnostic sensors in the market

There are few big brands available in the market like Bosch which reads codes and find the fix. Scans tools range from simple code readers to advanced diagnostic tools featuring live engine data, ABS and Airbag coverage. However, such tools are very expensive and everyone can not afford it. KarConnect, an IoT based automotive solution developed by Let’s Nurture, is an affordable and ultimate solution to this.

Prediction through low, medium and critical fault codes

Our Product KarConnect can give you details about fault codes (self-diagnosis) which can avoid a potential breakdown of the car and accidental damages. The application gets you the list of all Service Centers nearby live location. KarConnect also provides real-time tracking of the vehicle condition and driving behavior remotely. So, the product is equally useful for both businesses and individual drivers/owners.

Read More: Cost to develop ELM OBD-II based Car Diagnostic Application

Why Karconnect is the Ultimate Solution (OBD-II App)?

Our expertise in delivering custom IoT app development services has helped us in developing a Smart Automotive Solution (KarConnect) on Web and Android platforms. Along with Real-time tracking, this Android app helps you to understand the health of your car, driving behavior and fault detection in multiple local languages, for your vehicle(s). The web app allows you to remotely monitor your vehicle(s) along with the driving pattern of the driver. This custom built IoT app solution also offers emergency roadside assistance and can find nearby service centers.

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KarConnect is the key to unlock the world of Connected Cars. It is a smart technological combo of two components – 16 Pin OBDII Chip (Hardware) and mobile application (Software). KarConnect Device is plugged in your car’s OBDII port, fetches data from the ECU (Electronic Control Unit), do data crunching and send it to the server for further analysis. The application will receive insights from the KarConnect device detailing you with seamless reports and predictive alerts.

Develop your own Custom Car Diagnostic Application

It’s an initiative to make your driving not only smart but safe. ‘Safety first’ is the motive of this product. KarConnect uses OBD-II (Onboard Diagnostic) Chip hardware, that helps in fetching the car data in order to provide you endless solutions which can be used to tracking, streamlining and controlling the operations along with vehicle maintenance.

  • Smart Vehicle Diagnosis
  • Reduce Fleet Maintenance
  • Improve Fuel Efficiency
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Asset Tracking Solutions
  • GPS/Geofence based Tracking
  • Supply Chain Management Solutions
  • Emergency Roadside Assistance
  • Nearby Service Centers search via Google Maps
  • Alerts for Service and Maintenance
  • SOS/Emergency Alerts System
  • Multilingual language for fault codes
  • White Label solutions for Web and Android app development

Why we are the ideal partners for Car Diagnostic App Development?

Let’s Nurture is a leading ISO 9001:2015 certified IoT solutions providing companyoffering smart solutions for multiple industries. We offer a white label solution similar to KarConnect depending upon the customer requirement by adding features like geofencing, remote engine auto-lock, etc. We hold expertise in providing custom white-label automotive solutions that can be helpful for smart fleet management operations too.

We also can help you with a custom website app development for the same where customers can manage fleet and track vehicle data, maintenance costs and more. Our quality driven process will give you a fully functional, responsive and flawless user-friendly Vehicle / Car Diagnostic application that will incorporate all the features you want using the latest technologies.

Talk to our industry experts to know more on White-label automotive solutions like KarConnect.

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How Installing OBD Devices like KarConnect can improve your car insurance premium?

Luxury and lives have huge maintenance costs. Buying an elephant may be easy for some, but to take care of it is the hardest task. Same applies to cars when it comes to maintenance and car insurance premiums.

According to the survey done last year in the US, the national average cost on auto insurance was about $1500 per person.

Basic Factors deriving the rates of Car/ Auto Insurance:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Driving History
  • Location
  • Car make,model and trim

The auto insurance industry is a $260 billion industry in the USA alone. For those with less-than-perfect driving records, auto insurance industry provides custom insurance packages to the high-risk drivers. On the flipside, these drivers end up paying high car insurance premiums than the rest. Because they are more likely to claim the benefits on their auto insurance policy for covering the vehicle maintenance and service costs on their vehicle. It may be due to vandalism, accident or any bigger issue due to rash driving behavior.

Can technology help in saving auto insurance costs?

Have you ever thought that technology can help you in saving money on your auto insurance premiums? That’s true.

KarConnect, a Smart automotive solution leveraging IoT technology and custom mobile app development, is the thing which is needed. This solution not only will amp up your savings on auto/ car insurance premiums, but also bring you many more benefits related to the safety and maintenance of your beloved vehicle. KarConnect is a unique IoT solution that makes your car talk with you.

What is KarConnect?

We already have seen what are the reasons to end up paying high auto insurance costs to the insurance companies. KarConnect – An IoT based solution for Automotive Industry that consists of an OBD-II Chip which works with a software platform in the form of the web app and mobile application developed by Let’s Nurture Infotech. It is a leading custom mobile app development company that also provides IoT solutions and services.

Use-Features of KarConnect:

The OBD-II chip is nothing but a plug-and-play device, which drivers connect into OBD port of the vehicles. This is a GSM SIM-based chip, which retrieves the data of vehicles from the ECU and sends it to the server. Based upon the algorithms set upon the server, users can access data through KarConnect mobile application with multiple features and details.

– Real-time driving behavior

– Vehicle Maintenance & Predictive Analysis

– Auto Fault Detection

– Track Nearby Service Centers/ Roadside Assistance

– Notification Alerts for Overspeeding and driving mistakes

– Google Map API integration for live tracking

How KarConnect can help in saving Auto Insurance Costs?

Considering the factors impacting the cost of car insurance premiums, KarConnect can significantly help in the following ways.

To improve Driving Behaviour & History

The biggest benefits of all many are to cut down the maintenance cost on your vehicle by improving your driving behavior to ensure ‘Safety’. KarConnect app gives you real-time insights and updates about your driving performance by showing various parameters including speed, rpm, idling, harsh acceleration, and braking. Best-in-class UI/ UX design allows users to get notified through colors along with push notifications if they are driving improperly.

Eventually, this solution will transform the mindset of drivers to take care of the vehicle by driving in desired conditions in a safe manner. This is the best solution to improve your driving history and cut the upcoming auto insurance costs.

Automated Diagnostics of Vehicle

Fault code detection is the features which send drivers alerts in case any fault occurs in your car. This again is available in the layman language so that users can understand and take appropriate action. Fault code detection also shows the level of severity and guide to nearby service centers depending upon the user location.

The advantage of this feature is that vehicle owners will not get bullied by service centers or garages and avoid paying hefty maintenance bills. Also, it will prevent the vehicle condition going from bad to worse, which may lead users to go and avail the auto insurance if the issue is bigger. This will prevent users from taking the No Claim Bonus in the next insurance policy cycle.

Impact of Predictive Analytics to Save Costs and Ensure Safety

A stumbling block to the growth of predictive analytics is lack of awareness about its power and potential. Predictive analytics can anticipate vehicle failure, saving costs and resources for companies that invest in this technology. It has the potential to be the best Smart Fleet Management solution with multiple benefits. But let us stick to our topic as of now on saving auto insurance costs.

Most importantly, predictive analytics can improve the safety of vehicles on the road. Many fleet managers have begun to install this technology on vehicles to aggregate data on elements such as tire pressure, engines, and more. Now, instead of reacting to a problem, companies can monitor their data and alert drivers to a potential problem. For auto insurers, this means fewer accidents and claims, and, more importantly, more safety on the road.

Does KarConnect offer anything to Insurance Companies?

In 2017, car insurance claims totaled over $163 million in the US. To put that into perspective for any single driver, the average loss per claim was $4,100.– such a grueling stat from their perspective, right?

The answer is Yes. KarConnect can help insurance companies to save millions if they can strategize to make this solution work in the vehicles of auto insurance policy owners.

They can offer this solution to their customer and educate them in order to save costs on premium by sharing a bit of their personal information. As the insurance companies will able to track the driving behavior and history of their customers.

How it will work for auto insurance policy owners?

When a user installs a tracking device into OBD ports of their cars, it sends data. What data, you may ask? Well, whatever information your insurance company deems relevant to determining whether or not you’re a good driver. This data is sent back to your insurance provider. If they like what they see, they’ll reduce your premiums or give you credits on your auto insurance.

For more information on KarConnect and Automotive app development services,get in touch with Let’s Nurture for a free consultation.

“I hope you liked what you read and I appreciate your time for doing so- HAPPY DRIVING”

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TOP 5 Internet of Things (IoT) Predictions for 2019

According to Statista, More than 23.14 billion devices are connected globally through IoT technology. It is also a big thing that IoT solutions will drive $344 billion in revenues globally while cutting down costs up to $177 billion.

“Smart”– this word has somewhat changed the existence of the actual way in which it was used before, at least in the engineering and networking communities. From gadgets to the place we are living and our daily necessities, everything around is just going ‘Smart’. This can be considered as the success of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology and solutions.

Exponential Growth of IoT across Industries:

The growth of IoT applications and IoT solutions has been magnificent globally throughout the years. Businesses in multiple industry domains have had reaped rewards by increasing revenues, simplifying the business process and by cutting the fixed -variable costs to a certain extent on permanent bases.

For the healthcare industry, IoT based Smart healthcare solutions include remote monitoring, smart sensors and medical device integration to a custom IoT mobile application leveraging custom mobile app development services. Life sciences and IoT Application in Healthcare are expected to grow to $1.335T in 2020, amounting to 17% CAGR as per Google.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has been a huge success in the manufacturing industry to automate multiple devices and processes to gather real-time data with robust security and make predictive analysis for better decision making. IoT usage in Industrial manufacturing is projected to grow from 2014’s $472B to $890B in 2020. Let us have a look at the Top 5 Predictions for IoT based solutions for various industries.


TOP 5 Internet of Things (IoT) Predictions for 2019:

1. Virtual Try-On (Magic Mirror) set to penetrate Retail Industry:

One of the most advanced IoT based solutions set to dominate the retail industry is the Smart mirror or Magic mirror. A virtual try-on solution for the in-store customers to try products (clothes, cosmetics,etc.) and see their appearance by standing right in front of a mirror powered with Raspberry Pi Web camera, LED Monitor covered with a sheet of the reflective one-way mirror provides interaction. Using Sensors, the Smart Mirror interacts with the user through gesture/ touch and responds to them adequately.

Implementation of technologies like AI, RFID, display technologies and IoT app development will make it a Smart Mirror. It is an interactive touch-free device that will address the need of accessing up-to-date information required by the user.

2. Comprehensive growth in Smart Home Automation:

Imagine having a fridge so smart that it can order food for you when you run out of things. A refrigerator that can tell you what to make based on ingredients that you have. Or a fridge that lets you know that you forgot to shut the door. Remotely. Through an app on your mobile device!

Smart home automation concept is leading the line to get implemented as giants in electric appliances like Phillips and Syska have implemented ‘Smart lights’ which can be controlled through an Android or iOS mobile application.

With the invention of Smart Speakers like Google Home, Amazon Echo Dot leveraging Amazon Alexa Skills development and HomePod leveraging voice-assistant technology, the home automation has been brought to a whole new level to enhance the living experience.

3. Acceleration in the implementation of Smart Neighbourhoods:

Smart home automation is another big upgrade brought in the real estate industry leveraging IoT technology. Sure Smart homes and Smart building have been mastered, the next step towards accomplishing the dream of Smart City would be to implement a solution called ‘Smart Neighbourhood’. The goal is to create a place to live in which can be safe and in the utmost hygienic conditions. This is a concept as of now that is predicted to get materialized during the next year.

By using smart sensors which will sense, record and transfer every bit of activity like walking routes, shared car use, building occupancy, sewage flow, and temperature choice at all times to ensure maintaining the best possible conditions in the neighbourhood. The smart neighbourhood is a significant concept to turn a dream called ‘Smart City’ into a reality.

4. The growth of IoT based Smart Healthcare Solutions:

Research firm Berg predicts that by 2021 there will be 50.2 million people remotely monitored using connected healthcare devices compared to 7.1 million in 2016.

Smart hospital and IoT based Smart healthcare solutions have started gaining popularity in the healthcare market during this year.

Many IoT based healthcare solutions like smart pills, smart home care, personal healthcare management, IoT based mobile solutions for health and fitness, enhanced patient care management, smart inventory management, secure and sensitive data management have been invented. These smart solutions have the potential to deeply penetrate the healthcare industry inside-out during the year 2019. In one statement, IoT has brought healthcare home for the people.

5. Connected Cars will own the roads in 2019:

An automobile is an industry in which IoT has been delivering solutions for a few good years now. Self-driven cars concept running in certain areas of USA is a result of smart IoT sensors which automates the whole driving experience for passengers. The potential of IoT for automobiles does not limit here. More predictions and opportunities are coming under the microscope which can happen actually during 2019.

Leveraging custom IoT application development which can work with hardware to build a remote diagnostic system will be the heart of all the vehicles. The cars will be talking to your virtually via mobile applications about their health and other parameters. Even remote tracking in real-time can be implemented for monitoring driving behavior. Sensors can be used to measure fuel levels, tyre pressure, fault codes, etc. Custom features like nearby roadside assistance, restaurants, gas stations, hospitals, etc. can be shown through Google map or MapKit through JavaScript API integration.

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Spectacular September at Let’s Nurture with the plethora of new Skills and Ideas

The beginning of fall, September was filled with a plethora of new skills & Innovative Ideas for Let’s Nurture. We had an awesome time this month as we embarked upon various new projects and participated in different events. Here’s a glance at it:

IoT based healthcare solution won Slush Singapore 2018 Startups Challenge:

Let’s Nurture has shown the potential to be the best IoT solution providers and has proven it by helping many of its customers from Australia, Singapore, Canada in winning challenges like Slush. The IoT experts at Let’s Nurture worked hand-in-hand with a Startup based in Singapore and delivered IoT based healthcare app project which won the start-up challenge.

KarConnect Presentation with Deloitte Innovations:

KarConnect (IoT solution of Let’s Nurture) was selected amongst Top start-ups in India by Deloitte Innovations and team Let’s Nurture was invited for a presentation for “Startup Immersion Workshop in Delhi”.

Our ODC had the privilege to welcome clients:

We on-boarded a new project as the esteemed client visited our offshore development center in Ahmedabad for the kickoff meeting. We are looking forward to building a strong and long-lasting relationship.

IoT Blockchain Think Tank Meetup:

Our Nurturers are always in search of opportunities where they can expand their knowledge and share ideas. Our team of Blockchain developers and IoT experts took the initiative to organize the first ever IoT & Blockchain Think Tank Meetup in Ahmedabad.

The event began with knowing the basics of IoT and Blockchain and discussing the various IoT industries where blockchain can be implemented. Then for a better understanding of solutions developed by the Let’s Nurture team like Konnected Art, Smart Plants brainstorming session took place. Followed by more discussion on the solution like Smart Garbage Collection system, smart button and how IoT & Blockchain can be implemented in the Real estate industry.

Recruitment Drive at Bhubaneshwar:

We are always in search of culturally diverse and fresh talent. This time we headed off to Bhubaneshwar and Team Let’s Nurture conducted an extensive Recruitment drive across 4 colleges in and around Bhubaneswar, to augment our ever-expanding need for talent and fresh blood.

Skill Improvement Activities:

We, at Let’s Nurture, believe that “The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.” That is why one day of every month is entirely dedicated to lessons and tips on improving skills for everyone beyond their current roles.

  • The day started with Blogathan, where each person was given a topic to write on. The event was guided and judged by Mr. Abhishek Amin (Digital marketing manager), under his guidance participants came up with some really cool contents
  • The iPhone development department researched more on Alexa and Google Home skill development
  • Presentation by the BA team on various integrated solutions using technologies like RFID tags, software and hardware development, 2D barcodes & more.
  • Code Review by team Leader’s of iOS app development team and python team.
  • Our web team took part in WordPress setup and R&D for Facebook through mobile verification.
  • The design team created various wire-frames using Sketch (design toolkit)
  • Our mentors gave inputs to all the team leaders regarding things to be taken care of while taking interviews.
  • The whole tech management team took part in Quality assured testing for all the projects in order to improvise the QA.

Free Dental check up:

Our HR department took the initiative to organize a free Dental check up of all the employees by a reputed dentist of the city as a part of corporate wellness campaign and spreading awareness about dental health.

As Oprah Winfrey says, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” We make sure that each and every nurturer feel special on their special day that is why we always celebrate birthday with cakes and happiness around.

Excellent Project on-board and deliveries:

Project On-boarded:

– IoT based health tracker for critical patients

We are the best IoT app development company in India. Based on our extensive experience with web application development, our expert team got a project for development of an IoT based health tracker for the client using Swift, JS, PHP Laravel/MySQL technologies. The application is focused to help the critical patients to track and identify serious health-related issues.

– Sports Fantasy Platform for an Indian Client

Sports App development has been one of the major subsets of our services. Based on our extensive experience with, our in-house team has started developing a Native iOS application & Native Android application using technologies XCode, JS, PHP/ MySQL. We will develop the website with intuitive User Interface (UI) that will keep users engaged to it and additionally, we will also provide marketing services that help spread awareness of upcoming league among users of the mobile application.

– Vaccination calendar utility app for a client from Middle East Asia

Due to our expertise in web application development. We got this project from a middle east Asian client for an application which works as a calendar for vaccinations. The users will get regular updates and notifications about the upcoming vaccinations.

– Map based Navigation app for Africa continent

We also signed for a project for the development of a navigation application for the Africa continent. This application will work as a map covering the whole African continent and help the people to navigate the places in and around Africa.

Projects Delivered:

– Multimedia sharing iOS application

The iPhone app development team developed an application where photos and videos can be shared securely and privately within a closed group with just a click.

– Web Application for flower/vegetable retailer

Highly skilled web developers at Let’s Nurture recently completed this project. They developed a marketplace application where the users can buy fresh herbs, flowers, and vegetables of various varieties.

– Alexa Voice Skill: Mileage Calculator

Our in-house team of Alexa skill experts developed an Alexa skill where the user can easily calculate the mileage just by answering a few parameters to Alexa like the distance traveled by the vehicle, fuel used and the cost of fuel. Our expertise in Alexa skill development is expanding day by day.

– Revamped web application for corporates

Our veteran PHP developers delivered a responsive web app which basically works as a forum for corporates. And the users can manage all his/her activities from one place.

– Bike Rental Web Application

Based on our extensive experience with web application development, our Web Team recently worked on a Web Application, wherein user can use the application to rent bikes at any remote location.

– Canada based Driving Licence Practice Test application

Our in-house team of expert React native developers have developed a Driving license Practice test application using which the people living in Canada can learn about different traffic signs and give tests to test knowledge of what they have learned.

– Australia based Driving Licence Practice Test application

Due to our huge client base in Australia, our React Native developers developed the traffic signs learning & driving license Practice app for the people living in Australia also.

Join Our Team:

Let’s Nurture always strives to deliver to its clients. And nurtures the employees by encouraging them to display their skills to full potential. Join us and add value to the team.

“Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; working together is the success”