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The Vital Role of IoT in Heart Attack Detection and Heart Rate Monitoring

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the leading cause of death among men and women is heart disease, accounting for 630,000 deaths in the United States alone each year. Unfortunately, this isn’t unique to the United States, with heart disease killing more than 1,500,000 Chinese each year, according to the International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems.


One of the main reasons why so many individuals die from heart attacks is because there is a short window of time between when the symptoms begin and when the individual can make it to a hospital. Since symptoms vary from one individual to the next, many are unaware of the early warning signs and delay seeking medical attention. In the few hours that are critical after a heart attack, if the individual cannot receive medical attention, the dying heart muscle will be permanently damaged due to a lack of oxygen

To overcome these delays, engineers are working on developing an IoT enabled heart attack detection system and heart rate monitor that will help alert individuals to seek out medical attention before an attack. The device is wearable and will continuously monitor the individual’s electrocardiogram (electrical activity of the heart) and notify them if there are elevated levels that would lead to myocardial infarction. The device will tell the user the exact location of the event, and it will be connected to the cloud to alert others via Wi-Fi.

How Does the Proposed IoT Solution Work?

The proposed system will be able to detect a heart attack by observing the user’s heart rate through an Internet of Things architecture.

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The general architecture of most IoT solutions can be divided into three primary layers; the sensing layer, the transport layer, and the application layer. The sensing layer is what allows the patient’s vitals to be read, while the transport layer provides data transmission through transit points, and the application layer is installed at the end of the device. In this particular IoT solution, a pulse sensor, Arduino board, and Wi-Fi module are being used to create the system. The system’s architecture works as follows.

  • Once the system is in place and set up, the individual can set up a start point. This allows the individual to monitor their heartbeat and compare it to the set point. Once these limits are set, the system will monitor the heart rate of the individual continuously.
  • The pulse sensor is connected to an Arduino Uno microcontroller board, which has 14 digital input and output pins on it, 6 of which can be used to monitor PWM outputs.
  • The RX and TX pins on the board are used for communication between the Arduino board and the Wi-Fi module, LCD screen, and heart rate application. The Arduino microcontroller board has an operating voltage of 5-volts and uses 32KB of flash memory for code storage.
  • The pulse sensor being used is a “plug and play” heart rate sensor, which allows the individual to simply place their finger on it to take a reading. The sensor picks up the movement of blood through the finger and gives a numerical output of the heartbeat.
  • Once the pulse sensor crosses the set limit, the system will send out an alert about the heart rate to the individual. The system also allows you to set it to alert for low heartbeats.

What does Architecture Look Like?

At the beginning of the system, you have the pulse sensor which detects the heartbeat signal. The heartbeat signal is attached to the Arduino Uno microcontroller board. The Arduino Uno board is connected to the Wi-Fi module and the LCD screen. The Wi-Fi module is connected to the heart rate application, allowing for the data to be transported over the internet to individuals like caregivers and doctors.

How Are These IoT Solutions Being Used in HealthTech?

The heart attack detection and heart rate monitor aren’t the only use case of how IoT solutions are vital in our healthcare system. There are other applications of similar IoT enabled devices that can monitor heart disease, help the recovery process after a stroke, and even help heart condition patients live a normal life with IoT enabled pacemakers.

Heart Disease Monitoring:

Doctors can now keep track of a patient’s condition without needing them to come into the office as IoT solutions have been developed to measure blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure levels. This information can be received in real-time through a heart disease monitoring device that transmits the data through the internet.

Stroke Recovery:

Wearable sensors have been developed to monitor an individual’s rehabilitation process. In previous iterations, patients would be bed-ridden and monitored with dozens of wires for the time that recovery was required. Now, the data can be systematized through a flexible and wearable sensor application that can be set to notify when goals are met, track recovery progress metrics and create alerts about key recovery indicators.

IoT Pacemakers:

A pacemaker is a small device that is placed in one’s chest to help control your heartbeat. It is used to help your heartbeat at regular intervals if you have an irregular heartbeat. An IoT enabled pacemaker could provide breakthrough information about a patient’s exact condition as real-time results can be transmitted to doctors and caregivers.

You can read also – “Medcheck” – An IoT based Healthcare Diagnostic Solution

What Are the Benefits of IoT in Healthcare?

  • Real-time monitoring can save lives during a medical emergency like heart failure, asthma attacks, and diabetic episodes (remote medical assistance).
  • IoT devices can be continuously connected and are an affordable solution for those who want to cut down on unnecessary doctor visits.
  • IoT devices can be used for research purposes since they collect a massive amount of data about an individual. This can speed up the rate at which cures, and better treatments can be found.

While there have been numerous heart attack detection methods introduced into our healthcare systems, most are time-consuming to create and expensive to manufacture. A proposed technique using an Arduino Uno microcontroller board is a more modern take that can be easy to manufacture and deploy.

If you are looking to get a free quote from one the best IoT app development company in Canada, then please get in touch with us for any IoT Healthcare Solutions.


5 Fantastic IoT Solutions In Healthcare Industry

Since the inception of the Internet of things, It has been making a serious impact on every industry. And no Industry can deny this fact wherever Internet of things went, it left it’s Midas Touch. IoT Solutions has even evolved the healthcare industry and served millions of lives.

According to a new  Grand View Research Inc., IoT in the healthcare market is expected to reach nearly USD 409.9 billion by 2022. With technologies like Mobile app development, IoT Solutions, Artificial Intelligence, AR-VR, Chatbot development etc., the future of healthcare industry is advancing and changing continuously. For example who knew that AR-VR can be used for remote surgery and medical learning purposes also?

IoT Healthcare Solutions
IoT Healthcare Solutions

With the use of these IoT based healthcare solutions, there is an exceptional prospect to improve the quality of treatments which will eventually improve the health of patients. IoT in healthcare solves some of the major problems for people like the skyrocketing R&D cost and rise in the cost of healthcare amenities, Shifting demographics to emerging markets, the Aging population which is in dire need of personalized medication facilities.

Five IoT based App Solutions for Smart healthcare

Wearable apps for Monitoring of patient’s health statistics

IoT Solutions In Healthcare Industry
IoT Solutions In Healthcare Industry

Remote monitoring is an important application of the Internet of things. Using the Internet of Things, you can give adequate health care to the people who are in immediate need of it.  Wearable App Monitoring solutions in the healthcare industry can help the doctors to monitor the health of any patient even if he’s not present at the hospital. Healthcare app will provide the regular variation in the health of the patient. These IoT solutions are capable of applying complex algorithms and analyzing the data of patients. So, that the patients receive proper attention and medical care. The collected information of the patient will be stored in the cloud. Through remote monitoring, the patients will have to stay at the hospital for less time. Whenever there is a change in the daily activity of the person, alerts would be directly sent to the concerned person and family especially for old people. And these Remote monitoring are available as wearable also so can be taken anywhere.

You may like to Read: Health and Fitness App Development to foster the Healthcare Industry

IoT application for Hand Hygiene Compliance

IoT application for Hand Hygiene Compliance
IoT application for Hand Hygiene Compliance

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, about one patient out of every 20 gets infections from lack of proper hand hygiene in hospitals. Several patients have lost their lives due to unhygienic conditions which lead to infection. Here, IoT healthcare application can help by coming up with the solution in real time whenever the doctor/nurse comes near the patient without washing their hands then the sensor would beep. Hence, reminding them to maintain the hygiene.

IoT Solution based Blockchain Initiatives

Blockchain based services
Blockchain-based services

The same technology, that can be used for various IoT healthcare solution. Apart from banking and finance, Blockchain technology can be efficiently used in the healthcare industry as well. Blockchain services can be used for protected transactions, safe storage of data, and transparency in the flow of data. For secure transaction and storage of data, Ethereum can be used which is a decentralized platform where applications run exactly as programmed without any chance of fraud through proper authentication of whoever access the data. Transaction Between major industries to the Hospital now can be secured using Blockchain services.

Real-Time Location System And Services

 IoT-based healthcare apps
IoT-based healthcare apps

Even routine Medical check-ups consume a huge sum of bucks, which can be resolved through IoT healthcare application by regular checkups from the hospital to the patient’s home.  Helped living offices will most likely be unable to oblige each senior native who lives alone. Consequently, medicinal care suppliers can recognize the ones who are sufficiently sound to remain in their own homes and help them utilize GPS tracking solutions to monitor their well being. By checking their condition progressively utilizing the information gathered by those gadgets, they can right away take care of the ones who require it.

Track equipment usage

Track equipment usage using IoT mobile App
Track equipment usage using IoT mobile App

Upgrade the hospitality of patients by maintaining the records of how the resources are used with the help of sensors which can monitor the level of usage of services like washing stations, maintaining room temperature etc. Connected IoT based healthcare apps can improve transparency of processes so that decision-makers can now obtain a clear view of redundancies. Know how IoT works are envisioning healthcare optimization with the power of IoT.

Why IoT in Healthcare Industry?

Innovating new products and technologies and integrating them in the healthcare industry is the reason behind the rapid transformation. With digital solutions at the limelight, we are moving towards a completely new era of patient treatment, monitoring and managing health.

Through the mHealthcare technologies developed using the internet of things, Industries can reduce the cost of treatment with effective use of asset and resources and hence increasing the productivity. With the help of sensors and the internet, the industry can track the devices/objects which will generate a analytics and real-time insights and hence help in making smarter decisions for the industry. The progress and convergence of data, processes, and things on the internet would make such connections more relevant and important, creating more opportunities for people, businesses, and industries.


How Let’s Nurture can help?

Let’s Nurture has an expertise for being an elite amongst the IoT solutions providers and has catered many businesses in various industries including Healthcare Industry. So if you are looking to get a free quote from one the best IoT company in Ahmedabad, India, then please drop us your inquiries for IoT solutions at for any IoT Healthcare Solutions or ideas you wish to share.