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The Vital Role of IoT in Heart Attack Detection and Heart Rate Monitoring

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the leading cause of death among men and women is heart disease, accounting for 630,000 deaths in the United States alone each year. Unfortunately, this isn’t unique to the United States, with heart disease killing more than 1,500,000 Chinese each year, according to the International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems.


One of the main reasons why so many individuals die from heart attacks is because there is a short window of time between when the symptoms begin and when the individual can make it to a hospital. Since symptoms vary from one individual to the next, many are unaware of the early warning signs and delay seeking medical attention. In the few hours that are critical after a heart attack, if the individual cannot receive medical attention, the dying heart muscle will be permanently damaged due to a lack of oxygen

To overcome these delays, engineers are working on developing an IoT enabled heart attack detection system and heart rate monitor that will help alert individuals to seek out medical attention before an attack. The device is wearable and will continuously monitor the individual’s electrocardiogram (electrical activity of the heart) and notify them if there are elevated levels that would lead to myocardial infarction. The device will tell the user the exact location of the event, and it will be connected to the cloud to alert others via Wi-Fi.

How Does the Proposed IoT Solution Work?

The proposed system will be able to detect a heart attack by observing the user’s heart rate through an Internet of Things architecture.

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The general architecture of most IoT solutions can be divided into three primary layers; the sensing layer, the transport layer, and the application layer. The sensing layer is what allows the patient’s vitals to be read, while the transport layer provides data transmission through transit points, and the application layer is installed at the end of the device. In this particular IoT solution, a pulse sensor, Arduino board, and Wi-Fi module are being used to create the system. The system’s architecture works as follows.

  • Once the system is in place and set up, the individual can set up a start point. This allows the individual to monitor their heartbeat and compare it to the set point. Once these limits are set, the system will monitor the heart rate of the individual continuously.
  • The pulse sensor is connected to an Arduino Uno microcontroller board, which has 14 digital input and output pins on it, 6 of which can be used to monitor PWM outputs.
  • The RX and TX pins on the board are used for communication between the Arduino board and the Wi-Fi module, LCD screen, and heart rate application. The Arduino microcontroller board has an operating voltage of 5-volts and uses 32KB of flash memory for code storage.
  • The pulse sensor being used is a “plug and play” heart rate sensor, which allows the individual to simply place their finger on it to take a reading. The sensor picks up the movement of blood through the finger and gives a numerical output of the heartbeat.
  • Once the pulse sensor crosses the set limit, the system will send out an alert about the heart rate to the individual. The system also allows you to set it to alert for low heartbeats.

What does Architecture Look Like?

At the beginning of the system, you have the pulse sensor which detects the heartbeat signal. The heartbeat signal is attached to the Arduino Uno microcontroller board. The Arduino Uno board is connected to the Wi-Fi module and the LCD screen. The Wi-Fi module is connected to the heart rate application, allowing for the data to be transported over the internet to individuals like caregivers and doctors.

How Are These IoT Solutions Being Used in HealthTech?

The heart attack detection and heart rate monitor aren’t the only use case of how IoT solutions are vital in our healthcare system. There are other applications of similar IoT enabled devices that can monitor heart disease, help the recovery process after a stroke, and even help heart condition patients live a normal life with IoT enabled pacemakers.

Heart Disease Monitoring:

Doctors can now keep track of a patient’s condition without needing them to come into the office as IoT solutions have been developed to measure blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure levels. This information can be received in real-time through a heart disease monitoring device that transmits the data through the internet.

Stroke Recovery:

Wearable sensors have been developed to monitor an individual’s rehabilitation process. In previous iterations, patients would be bed-ridden and monitored with dozens of wires for the time that recovery was required. Now, the data can be systematized through a flexible and wearable sensor application that can be set to notify when goals are met, track recovery progress metrics and create alerts about key recovery indicators.

IoT Pacemakers:

A pacemaker is a small device that is placed in one’s chest to help control your heartbeat. It is used to help your heartbeat at regular intervals if you have an irregular heartbeat. An IoT enabled pacemaker could provide breakthrough information about a patient’s exact condition as real-time results can be transmitted to doctors and caregivers.

You can read also – “Medcheck” – An IoT based Healthcare Diagnostic Solution

What Are the Benefits of IoT in Healthcare?

  • Real-time monitoring can save lives during a medical emergency like heart failure, asthma attacks, and diabetic episodes (remote medical assistance).
  • IoT devices can be continuously connected and are an affordable solution for those who want to cut down on unnecessary doctor visits.
  • IoT devices can be used for research purposes since they collect a massive amount of data about an individual. This can speed up the rate at which cures, and better treatments can be found.

While there have been numerous heart attack detection methods introduced into our healthcare systems, most are time-consuming to create and expensive to manufacture. A proposed technique using an Arduino Uno microcontroller board is a more modern take that can be easy to manufacture and deploy.

If you are looking to get a free quote from one the best IoT app development company in Canada, then please get in touch with us for any IoT Healthcare Solutions.

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Predictive Maintenance: The Next Frontier in Manufacturing

In industries where equipment failure is one of the largest causes of downtime, manufacturers must find solutions that prevent lengthy and unplanned downtimes. Why? Unplanned downtime can destroy their ability to be competitive in the market. Traditional solutions to handle these downtimes are either replace the parts before their end of life comes up by making calculated guesses, or predict downtimes based on past occurrences. Unfortunately, both solutions are not a perfect fit and can be cost-intensive and very risky on the manufacturer’s end. The current trend of maintenance requires a tradeoff, whether it be reactive, planned, or proactive, whereas, in the predictive maintenance era, this will not be required.

Why Do traditional solutions have tradeoff?

Due to how limited traditional solutions are, they have quite a few tradeoffs when utilizing them. For instance, if a manufacturer wants to be reactive to downtimes, they must understand when their machine parts will hit maximum utilization. At max utilization, the whole machine can become damaged and result in the downtime.

On the other hand, if a manufacturer wants to plan for the downtime and not risk the breakdown of their machines, they must replace parts before their end of life, with the tradeoff being increased part replacement costs. To be proactive in protecting themselves from unplanned breakdowns, one must increase maintenance costs to extend machine part life. As we can see, these tradeoffs are not necessarily cost-effective or foolproof solutions. With predictive maintenance, these tradeoffs are eliminated as it minimizes downtime and backs up proactive maintenance with data so that costs can be maintained.

How does the Internet of Things work with predictive maintenance?

When you attach the Internet of Things to a physical asset like a manufacturing machine, you create a cycle between the IoT device and the physical machine. This cycle works on a physical to digital and back to physical cycle, meaning your physical asset provides digital data to the device, which creates a physical solution.

Here is how it would work.

  • An IoT device with sensors is placed onto the manufacturing machine. The sensors generate data that pertains to how the machine is functioning.
  • The generated data is digitized and analyzed for insights. This could be analyzing information about part breakdown percentages, parts that are not working correctly, or even data on the end of a specific part of the life cycle.
  • These insights are relayed back to the machine and physical actions, like replacing parts can be taken.

Essentially, this IoT enabled cycle allows organizations to take actions based on real-time data, making companies more agile in their response times and creating smoother operations with minimized disruptions.

How does predictive maintenance ensure smooth operations?

While the major benefit of predictive maintenance is the ability to identify and manage risks that are associated with machine downtimes, it can be used across a wide variety of industries that require the assessment of operational data.

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Here is how predictive maintenance ensures that a smooth operation occurs.

  • By using a combination of science, math, and engineering principles, predictive maintenance brings dependability and efficiency to the productive process and all products within that process.
  • Predictive maintenance can analyze multiple operational data sources and types. It can generate and analyze real-time data, batch-data, structured or unstructured data, and even at rest or streaming data components.
  • By using data from IoT enabled devices, the predictive maintenance model can be continuously improved upon, factoring in other types of data generation points like motor circuits, vibrations, and thermography.
  • Predictive maintenance can create a data-based multivariate metric that provides manufacturers with information on end of life or remaining life for parts. This is statistically significant because it removes the guesswork that is used with traditional methods.

Which industries can be impacted the most with Predictive maintenance?

1) Structural Infrastructure:

In countries where infrastructure is in dire need of repair, predictive maintenance can aid in helping construction crews know what needs to be repaired when and why. For instance, things like bridges, sewers, and highways that go unrepaired for long periods can have dire consequences on the population, but if a predictive maintenance model is used, disasters can be avoided, and costs controlled.

2) Automakers:

One always hears about the vehicle recalls, which is not only annoying for customers who have these vehicles, but it poses quite a dangerous risk to those who have vehicles being recalled for serious issues. If automakers were to use data and machine learning from predictive maintenance, issues could be uncovered during the design and roll-out phases, preventing major recalls.

3) Oil & Gas Production:

There are millions of pipelines that traverse countries with the sole purpose to transport oil and gas. Many of these pipelines were constructed decades ago, resulting in the deterioration from overuse and aged materials. As these pipelines get older, there is a much higher likelihood that failures will increase. Being able to predict and prepare for these situations can avert major disasters.

4) Airline Maintenance:

When it comes to airline maintenance, it can get complicated very quickly due to how vast the aviation industry is. It may take several teams to understand why a specific part is in disrepair. Predictive maintenance offers a safer and simpler solution that is economical.

Is Predictive Maintenance Possible?

Yes, predictive maintenance is technically possible, and it is currently technically accessible as well. Companies do not need to make massive investments into acquiring the predictive maintenance model because the data that is needed to be proactive about maintenance is already available. It just needs to be captured, stored, and analyzed. The first step in making it happen is connecting machinery to IoT sensors so that real-time data can be tracked. This data should then be fed into a network where it can be stored and processed in large volumes. Once the data is gathered, anomalies and patterns should be tracked, and corrective action should be taken based on data insights.

Let’s Nurture – the best IoT app development company provide expert consulting to help Companies not to make massive investments into acquiring predictive maintenance. Our expertise in providing IoT based solutions has helped us in developing a Smart Automotive Solution, KarConnect, on Web and Android platforms.

Let’s talk and build innovations around us!

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Brazil’s National IoT Strategy & its Implications for IoT Companies Globally

Acceptance of Internet of Things (IoT) is widespread today. The government of Brazil has promised an IP strategy to grow its digital and internet network. They have launched a plan that is specific to the internet of things and its working strategy. It’s like an action plan for Brazil.


The national strategy that is submitted by the Minister of science, sets out a strategy that’ll help to stimulate business and attract global investments related to the internet of things. It will also introduce new incentives for the global market that’ll help in expansion. The plan for the strategy has been worked upon and forwarded to the concerned department.

The Survey Report and Planning:

The vertical of the IoT national strategy are Agribusiness, Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Smart cities. According to the estimate, the generation of 172 reais that is $ 44 billion to the Brazilian economy was minister Pontes’s main goal. He was working on the plan since taking over of MCTIC in Jan. With the estimate and leadership, the plan will be put to action in the coming months.

But, the only thing is people of Brazil or general citizens are unaware of all the tech developments and plans related to the internet of things. It is important that people should know about the latest developments and plans related to the internet of things.

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About 40% of Brazilians are from the socioeconomic background so they have not heard about artificial intelligence and Chatbots. In spite of not knowing about technology, about 86% of people claimed that they were interacting with technology rather than human. More than 3% of people claimed that there weren’t aware of any kind of technology.

More than 96 % of people use the phone as the main medium to use the internet in Brazil. In another survey, 80% of people suggested that there needs to be a change in technology as robots also don’t understand consumer’s demands at times.

More than 33% are up for using AI for the automation function and technology. According to an estimate, the IoT project national strategy will add 132 billion USD to the economy by the year 2025.

Potential Growth in sectors:

IoT technology offers amazing potential to leverage the growth of Brazil’s economy. New developments are expected to roll out by the year 2022. The IoT strategy in healthcare will help to increase efficiency. It will help to reduce the cost in the hospitals and will help in the prevention of epidemics.

In agribusiness, it will provide efficient use of natural resources, machinery, and inputs. In the manufacturing sector, it’ll help to improve the process and promote new business models. It’ll also help to incorporate the IoT and development of new products. IoT integration with smart cities will help to promote public safety, mobility, and utility.

Across the country, Brazil is expanding reach in IoT to improve services to customers. Digital driven customers will benefit from the unique IoT infrastructure. With the implementation of strategy, it will provide smart city solutions.

Brazil with its IoT innovations and strategies will help to enhance the entire internet and ecosystem. With the implementation of the strategy, it will help to build domestic products and also strengthen the export trade. IoT based solutions will not only benefit the domestic market but will also affect the global market. With this execution, it will help to understand varied local languages and cultural identity within Brazil.

The Global expertise Multi-faceted tech expertise: IoT implementation in FIntech, Edtech, Agritech

IoT implementation is multifaceted and can be used in many sectors like FIntech, Edtech, Agritech. In finance, it helps to manage things easily and increase productivity at work. In the agricultural sector, it provides effective use of technology and integrates with best practices that help farmers.

In the educational field, it helps to integrate with new ways of learning. Interactive and virtual ways of learning attract student’s attention too. IoT implementation in various fields will help in expansion. The use of technology and its expertise will affect many lives making it better.

Time for change globally,

National plans stimulate growth and help to focus on investment. It also helps to transform the society overall. Brazil has joined Australia, Portugal and many other countries in the IoT program. In the UK, artificial intelligence, robotics, and IoT are a part of the industrial strategy but the UK still lacks investment in this field.

National IoT strategy will bring a significant change in technology and will make life better for people. It will not only have a positive impact on people of Brazil but will also affect global companies. To know more in detail, Let’s discuss.

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Live Ball Performance with Sports Community Engagement by Let’s Nurture | Smart Ball

Let’s Nurture came up with an intention to serve clients with futuristic application designs backed by UI/UX experts. Introducing Smart Ball Application, where things talk to each other in Realtime. To know more in details, Call us at +1-631-954-6922.


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How IoT (Internet of Things) Industry Will Revolutionize Sports Equipment Industry?

IoT (Internet of things) technology is changing the world big time. Various IoT solutions have transformed a million lives personally, professionally, off the field and now on the field too.

Yes, you read it right! Gone are the days where people were focusing on player performances in the game. IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT THE GAME ANYMORE.


Digitization leveraging IoT app development and IoT solutions have forced Sports Industry to adapt to the change. It helps in real-time analysis of player performances in training sessions and matches along with unprecedented statistics on various aspects of the game.

Encouraging signs for Investors and Sports Equipment Organizations

Smart sports equipment help players of any kind, professionals and amateurs, to monitor, track, analyze and improve their performances. According to reports from Fund Global and Retail Technologies, Smart sports equipment is predicted to account for 7.5% of total sports equipment market by 2020 compared to 2.9% in 2015.

This shows a huge opportunity for sports equipment manufacturers and retailers along with sports organizations who are in contract.

Let us have a look at some majestic sports equipment powered by the Internet of Things.

IoT Powered Sports Equipments – a Magnificent Upgrade for Athletes

Smart Cricket Bats

Team India’s former legendary spin bowler Anil Kumble owns a sports technology company named Spektacom for whom Microsoft team is developing IoT based Smart bats.

It will be officially known as a ‘Power Bat’ which includes IoT sensors on bats which will help in delivering useful insights on players batting style.

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Real-time data on various parameters like impact, angle, distance, thrust and bat speed can be gathered, monitored and saved for post-match analysis for team meetings.

Adidas miCoach Smart Football

German-based sports equipment manufacturers giant, Adidas, has developed IoT powered smart football for German national football team. The IoT sensor(s) inside the ball has the ability to detect speed, spin, strike, and flight path.

The app users can see the diagnostics via IoT based Smart ball app which helps in analyzing player performance and carry our scope of improvement discussion during team briefings. The battery is rechargeable which leads to 2000 kicks of playing time with complete power capacity.

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We have seen technologies like IoT and wearable app development integrated into the Goal-line technology system introduced by FIFA over a couple of years too. Football is known to be ‘A Beautiful Game’, IoT is making it even more interesting and most importantly ‘A Fair Game’.

Wilson’s X Connected

American giants, Wilson Sporting Goods developed a smart basketball which has functionality similar to Adidas’ smart soccer ball.

As discussed above it gives data for overall game performance tracking with analytics for smart coaching.

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However, like football, it’s battery cannot be recharged due to ball design limitations and will turn itself into a regular basketball when the battery of the IoT sensor dies.

Smart Helmets

Perhaps, this is the biggest innovation pertinent to player safety. No other sports injury has received greater attention during the game as concussions or head injuries. Unfortunately, the world of sports has seen many players losing lives on the field due to severe head injuries over the years. This is one area where IoT based ‘Smart Helmets’ play a leading role.

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Smart Helmets contain impact sensors in-built which help in determining the severity of impact and if the player is exposed to a potential brain injury immediately. So if that is the case, the player can be withdrawn and sent for immediate treatment or diagnosis rather than on-field treatments.

Sports Gears with IoT Sensors

A lot of wearable devices have been used recently but only a few of them have succeeded. For example, chest bands can be uncomfortable for football players while controlling the ball through the chest and considered not safe. Instead, smart vest with IoT sensors came in which can be worn over the team shirt with no hardware on the front.

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Smart vests read players heart rate and record GPS data via IoT sensors and send real-time data for analytics. Spanish footballing giants Real Madrid and English giants Arsenal have started using connected vests during live matches.

Win-Win Situation for Amateurs, Athletes & Marketers

Smart sports equipment has shown encouraging signs and dynamism for sustainable market growth. It is widely expected that as IoT based sports equipment will become mainstream, multiple competitors will arise. This will cause a price drop in these smart sports goods and make them more affordable to buy. This will lead to increased sales in smart sports equipment, what else could be better for marketers!

Athletes are loving it and they will stick to such IoT powered smart sports equipment. Consumer adoption shall increase as more and more athletes are joining the party to use smart equipment to track their own progress. Smart Sports Equipment also creates a huge opportunity for virtual coaching programs based on access to real-time data.

Wintergreen Research predicts that the global market for sports coaching platform will be around $861 million in 2021, compared to $49 million in 2014.

Why choose Let’s Nurture to develop Smart Sports Equipment?

Let’s Nurture is an ISO 9001:2015 certified IoT solutions providing company having a pool of expert embedded engineers for product design, IoT based custom PCB design, embedded systems design, open hardware implementation, etc. Pioneering mobile app development for 10+ years, we can serve with top-notch IoT app development services with integration with hardware system for seamless communication and real-time data analysis.

We love all kinds of sports and our developers are huge sports enthusiasts which makes it easy for us to understand the similar requirements of our clients.

Have a similar idea in developing IoT powered sports equipment? Free expert consultationwith our Sports Tech Specialists is just a Click away!