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The Vital Role of IoT in Heart Attack Detection and Heart Rate Monitoring

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the leading cause of death among men and women is heart disease, accounting for 630,000 deaths in the United States alone each year. Unfortunately, this isn’t unique to the United States, with heart disease killing more than 1,500,000 Chinese each year, according to the International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems.


One of the main reasons why so many individuals die from heart attacks is because there is a short window of time between when the symptoms begin and when the individual can make it to a hospital. Since symptoms vary from one individual to the next, many are unaware of the early warning signs and delay seeking medical attention. In the few hours that are critical after a heart attack, if the individual cannot receive medical attention, the dying heart muscle will be permanently damaged due to a lack of oxygen

To overcome these delays, engineers are working on developing an IoT enabled heart attack detection system and heart rate monitor that will help alert individuals to seek out medical attention before an attack. The device is wearable and will continuously monitor the individual’s electrocardiogram (electrical activity of the heart) and notify them if there are elevated levels that would lead to myocardial infarction. The device will tell the user the exact location of the event, and it will be connected to the cloud to alert others via Wi-Fi.

How Does the Proposed IoT Solution Work?

The proposed system will be able to detect a heart attack by observing the user’s heart rate through an Internet of Things architecture.

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The general architecture of most IoT solutions can be divided into three primary layers; the sensing layer, the transport layer, and the application layer. The sensing layer is what allows the patient’s vitals to be read, while the transport layer provides data transmission through transit points, and the application layer is installed at the end of the device. In this particular IoT solution, a pulse sensor, Arduino board, and Wi-Fi module are being used to create the system. The system’s architecture works as follows.

  • Once the system is in place and set up, the individual can set up a start point. This allows the individual to monitor their heartbeat and compare it to the set point. Once these limits are set, the system will monitor the heart rate of the individual continuously.
  • The pulse sensor is connected to an Arduino Uno microcontroller board, which has 14 digital input and output pins on it, 6 of which can be used to monitor PWM outputs.
  • The RX and TX pins on the board are used for communication between the Arduino board and the Wi-Fi module, LCD screen, and heart rate application. The Arduino microcontroller board has an operating voltage of 5-volts and uses 32KB of flash memory for code storage.
  • The pulse sensor being used is a “plug and play” heart rate sensor, which allows the individual to simply place their finger on it to take a reading. The sensor picks up the movement of blood through the finger and gives a numerical output of the heartbeat.
  • Once the pulse sensor crosses the set limit, the system will send out an alert about the heart rate to the individual. The system also allows you to set it to alert for low heartbeats.

What does Architecture Look Like?

At the beginning of the system, you have the pulse sensor which detects the heartbeat signal. The heartbeat signal is attached to the Arduino Uno microcontroller board. The Arduino Uno board is connected to the Wi-Fi module and the LCD screen. The Wi-Fi module is connected to the heart rate application, allowing for the data to be transported over the internet to individuals like caregivers and doctors.

How Are These IoT Solutions Being Used in HealthTech?

The heart attack detection and heart rate monitor aren’t the only use case of how IoT solutions are vital in our healthcare system. There are other applications of similar IoT enabled devices that can monitor heart disease, help the recovery process after a stroke, and even help heart condition patients live a normal life with IoT enabled pacemakers.

Heart Disease Monitoring:

Doctors can now keep track of a patient’s condition without needing them to come into the office as IoT solutions have been developed to measure blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure levels. This information can be received in real-time through a heart disease monitoring device that transmits the data through the internet.

Stroke Recovery:

Wearable sensors have been developed to monitor an individual’s rehabilitation process. In previous iterations, patients would be bed-ridden and monitored with dozens of wires for the time that recovery was required. Now, the data can be systematized through a flexible and wearable sensor application that can be set to notify when goals are met, track recovery progress metrics and create alerts about key recovery indicators.

IoT Pacemakers:

A pacemaker is a small device that is placed in one’s chest to help control your heartbeat. It is used to help your heartbeat at regular intervals if you have an irregular heartbeat. An IoT enabled pacemaker could provide breakthrough information about a patient’s exact condition as real-time results can be transmitted to doctors and caregivers.

You can read also – “Medcheck” – An IoT based Healthcare Diagnostic Solution

What Are the Benefits of IoT in Healthcare?

  • Real-time monitoring can save lives during a medical emergency like heart failure, asthma attacks, and diabetic episodes (remote medical assistance).
  • IoT devices can be continuously connected and are an affordable solution for those who want to cut down on unnecessary doctor visits.
  • IoT devices can be used for research purposes since they collect a massive amount of data about an individual. This can speed up the rate at which cures, and better treatments can be found.

While there have been numerous heart attack detection methods introduced into our healthcare systems, most are time-consuming to create and expensive to manufacture. A proposed technique using an Arduino Uno microcontroller board is a more modern take that can be easy to manufacture and deploy.

If you are looking to get a free quote from one the best IoT app development company in Canada, then please get in touch with us for any IoT Healthcare Solutions.

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5 Types of Robotic Process Automation

We live in a world where everything is technology-driven. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that has changed the functioning of the industry. It allows configuration and integration easily. There is no need to change the structure or process of your work, as RPA integrates perfectly with the structure.


It helps to save time and effort both. RPA is an emerging form of business process automation and many big companies are using the software to enhance the performance and efficiency of the company. The process is simple, powerful and it lets you use different tools for automation.

1) Working Robots

Working robots save your efforts as the robots function to increase productivity. These types of robots are great for project planning and data collection. Working robots in the robotic process automation help to complete the transaction process. The best part about the robot is, it helps to detect the errors in the business process.

On an automated basis, it stops if the level is incomplete. Working robots save time and give zero percent error. Most big companies integrate with the process of working robots to increase output in business. Working robot is the most common kind of robotic process automation.

2) Screen Scraping Robots

Screen scraping is indeed an important part of data migration. The process is also useful in integration. RPA screen scraping robot technique gives great results in overall integration scenarios. If you work on automated mode, then the screen scraping is when a particular computer program extracts the data from the server and display output of the computer.

Screen scraping robot program is not only efficient but also timesaving. There are no errors in the process and that is the reason most companies integrate with this kind of technology. Screen scraping robot is important for the robotic process automation.

You can also read: Latest Trends in Robotic Process Automation

3) Monitoring Robots

Monitoring robots don’t perform the actual task as the above two robots do. These robots just monitor the task and functions. The robot is deployed to detect any fault in the system or the task. It helps to detect the fault or defect in the data of the system.

Monitoring robot also detects the breakdown in the enterprise resource of the company. It helps the employees to be more active in their work in fact, more proactive in their work so that the problem can be detected as early as possible. Monitoring robots also work as quality assessment robots for the company. The robots proficiently handle work.

4) System Integration Robots

System integration robots help to patch a connection between the systems and the servers or structure of the company. If the particular task is too labor-intensive, system integration comes handy. System integration robots are mostly used when two companies merge or acquire. There is a lot of manual work and the labor-intensive work that becomes a cause for frustration for customer service too.

System integration works in this process to patch the back-office tasks. When things are done on an automated basis, it also saves on time and effort of the company. System integration robot is only used when it is required.

5) Scheduled Robots

You can schedule everything in today’s time, a meeting or even a social media post. A schedule robot does the same. You can schedule a task with the help of this robot, not before the actual time or event takes places. You need to set a specific date on the calendar to schedule a task with this process.

The robots are programmed to work on the said task according to a set time. This helps companies where there is a lesser workforce. You do not need employee involvement for this task as it is fully automated. Even email tasks can be performed with scheduled robots.

Robotic Processes:

RPA technology is a great boon to every industry. When the process gets automated it saves time and the productive turn out is also great. The best part about different kinds of robots is integration; you can choose a robot according to the task and requirement.

Integration is easy so it won’t make an effort in the setting up process also. Robotic process automation helps to optimize performance. The errors are less so it’s great for the working environment of bigger companies.

Let’s Nurture, a leading IoT app development company has been providing end-to-end RPA consultation services for businesses to automate the process through RPA. We love to work with bold clients and nurture businesses with out-of-the-box innovations and solutions.

Want to know more about us and how we can help with enterprise business automation? Talk to us!

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Best Robotic Process Automation Software For Your Business

The new technological innovations have changed the concept of working organizations. If the work can be done in an automated process, it not only saves on time but also efforts. Robotic process automation has totally changed the concept of business functioning. It has become a key factor in transforming your organization.

The Role of RPA

It lets you fine-tune with technological innovations that help you to gain a competitive advantage over the evolving market. The new process gives you an upper edge as compared to your competitors.

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RPA works as a virtual assistant to complete difficult tasks such as process transactions and data analysis. It also lets you communicate with other digital systems. RPA automation offers complete flexibility and improves the overall workflow of the company.

Expectations from Robotic Process Automation

RPA process does not require any programming expertise. Its quite user-friendly and the employees don’t need specific technical knowledge to know about the functioning of the software. The process works seamlessly and integrates with any organization without changing the basic structure.

RPA works on internal work queues that help to extract transaction data for analysis. The data is also stored in the cloud server. Data analytics and RPA work for digital transformation in the companies. The system also provides great elastic stability for smooth functioning.

RPA Models and Types

There are three main types of RPA models:

  • Working robots help the company with data collection and project planning.
  • Monitoring robots help to detect faults in the system and breakdowns.
  • Screen scrapping robots are important for integration and data migration. It helps to extract the data from the display output.

The Main Indicators of RPA

A few indicators measure the performance of RPA. Intelligence, dependability, and speed are important to know about the performance of robotic process automation. Staff morale and quality services are important indicators of RPA.

The Main Benefits of RPA

Robotic process automation can help to reduce the cost and give you better customer experience. It helps to improve the internal process system of the company. It also lowers the operational risk and human errors in the process. It does not completely replace the accessible IT system functioning but offers a replacement for the said task.

The best part about RPA is doing your work in a smooth way. If there are no errors, it’ll boost the performance of the company. RPA software is the best bet for IT companies.

Know about the Current Trends

With gaining popularity, RPA has increased job opportunities and deployment. With time, the customer experience will only improve and robots will replace business process outsourcing. With this, there will be a growth in artificial intelligence and big data. A large organization will not need extra workforce and industries will become more scalable.

Choosing the right RPA

RPA will enhance your performance so it’s important to choose the right software for your company. RPA will have a tool learning curve and interface; your employees need to understand the concept to use it. You can easily integrate it with a project management tool.

Know about the workload and need according to your preference and budget. There are several other costs included in RPA software, so know about them as well before choosing the software. Blue Prism RPA and Automation Anywhere RPA are the best software tools.

The Best Process

Robotic process automation is easy to understand so you won’t face any issues. It seamlessly integrates with your business functions and systems to give you an enhanced experience. You can constantly update and adopt innovations with the use of RPA. It’ll help to perform basic and complex functions with similar ease. It’s the best software for business in today’s times.

Let’s Nurture, a leading IoT app development company has been providing end-to-end RPA consultation services for businesses to automate the process through RPA. We love to work with bold clients and nurture businesses with out-of-the-box innovations and solutions.

Want to know more about us and how we can help with enterprise business automation? Talk to us!

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The IoT Catalyst: Transportation Industry Poised to Experience Complete Change

For most individuals, the Internet of Things (IoT) is what connects us through our consumer applications. It consists of our fitness trackers, our smart televisions, and our smart thermostats, all of which are interconnected with one another and all of which relay data and information across the internet to where and when we need it. But when we look away from our electronic gadgets and towards the transportation industry, IoT hasn’t really become prevalent.


Although it has been present in our vehicle’s dashboards and interconnected applications, it hasn’t completely disrupted or impacted our view and use of private and public vehicle transportation. This is changing, however, as IoT powered connected automotive and transportation is expected to take off as more and more cities race to discover and digitize new ways to make our cities smarter and safer. With this on the horizon, the coming changes we will see the transportation industry take on will be exciting and noteworthy both for consumers and manufacturers alike.

Wait, So What Is IoT and Why Is It Making Waves?

According to Forbes, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology is the simple concept of connecting any device with an on or off switch to the internet and thus to one another. This creates a giant network of connected “things” or items that interact with one another on a people to people, people to things, and things to things basis. These items can be anything, from electronic gadgets like our smartphones, headphones, and wearable devices to larger items like our washing machines or the computer operated drills of oil rigs. When these devices use sensors, processors, and communication tactics to collect, send and act on the data that they acquire from the environment around them, we get the connected network.

Read More: Cost to develop IoT based Vehicle Health Diagnostic Solution

The Internet of Things (IoT) is making waves, so to speak, because with billions of devices connected to and talking with one another, we get a future that has a high potential to be safer, efficient, and more effective. We can see this on a small scale; if your vehicle knows that the route you are taking is going to make you late because of heavy traffic, it can send a text to notify whom you are meeting of the issue or your alarm clock can wake you up, turn on the lights, and send a signal to your coffee maker to boot up. On a large scale, we see the impact with smart cities, which are helping us reduce waste, improve the efficiency of our energy use, and make roads less congested. This solution is often known as smart route management. The reality of it is, IoT allows for an endless stream of opportunities to arise and it’s only going to continue to disrupt and completely change the industries we are familiar with.

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How Will It Impact The Transportation Industry?

1. It Will Change How We See Vehicle Health

We are moving towards a future that will have self-driving cars and autonomous vehicles and while it’s amazing that this is in our future, it doesn’t mean that vehicle health will also become autonomous. In order to ensure that the roads are safe, tracking a vehicle’s health will become critical. As part of the vehicle’s own ecosystem, an IoT service will be built-in that will monitor and perform real-time inspections so that if any problems arise, a mechanic or the passengers within the vehicle (as well as other vehicles on the road) are notified. This type of IoT ecosystem could monitor the vehicle’s overall performance, braking capability, speed, fuel efficiency, and even age.

2. Transportation Safety Will Become a Whole Lot Smarter

One of the more common ideas behind how IoT will change the face of transportation is through a vehicle’s ability to communicate with one another in real-time. By using smart sensors, any type of car, truck, subway, monorail, or bus could alert other vehicles around them of dangerous hazards such as oncoming traffic accidents, traffic delays and jams, or reckless drivers. It could even help drivers who are having a medical emergency such as a heart attack or stroke, help those who are impaired or even those who have fallen asleep at the wheel. The drastic improvement that IoT would bring to public and private transportation in the safety realm is massive with the United States Department of Transportation noting it could reduce “up to 80 percent of crashes”.

3. We Will Become More Efficient Travellers

Despite the fact that we have GPS navigation systems and maps to tell us where to go and what the fastest route is, most of us still spend hours sitting in traffic. An IoT system could better utilize our existing options and provide us with real-time data on traffic jams, accidents, closed roads, and public transportation schedules. This will enhance how quickly and efficiently we travel.

4. Geo-fencing Will Make Shipment Management Easier

When it comes to managing a small or large fleet of trucks, it can be hard to keep track of where they all are, whether they have arrived at their destination and whether they have been successful in their delivery. With geo-fencing software and IoT systems built into the trucks, a fleet manager will always be able to know where any given vehicle is at all times and if they leave the geo-fenced area, they will get an alert. This is good because it can help you keep track of drivers and trucks, prevent vehicle theft, keep track of worked hours for payroll, and create automated workflows.

5. Public Transportation Could Become More Personalized

As of right now, knowing whether your train or bus is going to arrive on time and where it says it will be on the schedule is frustrating. An IoT ecosystem built into the public transportation vehicles can allow for real-time tracking which would ensure that the public fleet is more efficient and that passengers know where their train or bus is at all times. Each individual could receive personalized information about delays that could be affecting their commute.

Read More: IoT solution enables fleet tracking

It is without a doubt that the opportunities that IoT brings to the transportation industry, is going to make both private and public transportation more efficient, cleaner, and more comfortable for everyone using it. By being able to monitor vehicles in real-time, being alerted to safety hazards, and be able to predict the arrival of our destination with pinpoint accuracy, we can truly re-define the comfort, ease-of-use, and effectiveness that transportation brings us.

If you are having a transportation business and looking to enhance the day-to-day working operations with the help of custom IoT solutions, choosing Let’s Nurture is a no brainer.

Hire IoT developers from us who are experts in delivering AI-ML based analytics solutions that helps in predictive maintenance of the fleet of vehicles, known as Smart Fleet Management solutions. We also have worked on OBD-II based vehicle diagnostic system that offers multiple features for fleet owners as well as individuals which enables users to track remote driving behaviour with real-time tracking.

Get in touch with our IoT experts and business consultants for a FREE initial consultation to know more about custom transportation solutions which can take your transport business to the next level.

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Smart Parking Solutions enhancing Customer Experiences for Businesses

Any individual that has driven through any large metropolitan city during the middle of the day, is all too familiar with the bumper to bumper traffic and jam-packed surface car parks that results in an endless cycle of parking spot roulette. The answer to this lack of parking availability and the frustration it causes are underground parking blocks and covered parking structures, but even those exhibit the problem of not knowing if there is a vacant parking spot before making the rounds. Luckily, there is consistent momentum forward towards solving these problems by the way of smart city planning and real-time parking availability systems. In this article, we will take a look at how these Smart Parking Solution systems are built, what their benefits are, and how parking management systems are changing for businesses looking to get ahead in this space.


How Parking Management Systems Are Changing – Then and Now

Prior to the invention of smart technologies, traditional parking systems were not able to connect to other systems within the environment due to their proprietary software platforms. To put this simply, we just did not have the technology, understanding, or know-how to figure out how to connect these systems together. Nowadays, however, with the advent of smart technologies such as sensors, geospatial technology, the internet of things, artificial intelligence and information and communication technology, we are able to create complex systems that do a wide variety of actions and can interact with other connected systems.

How? Through the exchange of real-time data, data monitoring, and automatic adaption, which gets inferred through analysis and compiled into a conclusion based data sets. Meaning, we can now create systems that are capable of using empirical data and experience to improve performance, anticipate results, create logical reasoning on future actions, and be self-sustainable. Now while this is an extremely massive step forward in our technological capabilities, how does one build this into a parking management system and how is the parking inventory compiled exactly? Let’s explore these avenues next.

How would the Consumer Use a Parking Management System?

Most people know that if they want to get anywhere or find a location anywhere, all they have to do is open up the application store on their smartphone and download an application. This would be the same for parking management systems in major metropolitan cities. A smart parking system would allow the parking operators to maintain real-time parking availability information, which would be provided to car drivers through an integrated application that they download on their phone. Due to how the parking availability system would work, the parking operators would have access to all availability across all parking lots, parking structures, underground parking areas, and garages which would be forwarded to drivers via the application.

How to compile Parking Data?

Generally, there would be two ways that real-time parking availability data would be acquired, either through vehicle movement detection or vehicle video tracking, both of which would use sensors and camera technologies.

– Sensors:

A real-time parking management system that used sensors would have them installed at access and exit points within the designated car parking area. These sensors would track the number of vehicles that would enter into the garage and the number that would exit the structure. If the parking structure has multiple levels, then every parking spot can be filled with sensors in order to provide accurate data on what spots are occupied and what spots are vacant. If street parking is part of the equation, then on-street parking sensors would get embedded into the ground per parking spot.

– Cameras:

A real-time smart parking management system that used cameras would have them installed on every level of the parking structure as these would be what track where vehicles are located and whether a spot is vacant or filled. With this type of system, however, specialized software is needed to accurately identify each parking spot as to whether it is occupied or not. Generally, these cameras would be mounted high up on light poles or on the building’s structural beams.

Now that we have gone over the two ways in which a real-time parking management system would be deployed, let’s take a look at the basic components that would be required to build such a system.

– Parking Management Server:

A parking management server would do a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of the monitoring portion of the system. Its job would be to track the parking spot availability, predict the availability in real-time, and manage the metering and billing system. Artificial intelligence would be used to accurately predict parking occupancy throughout the city based on historical data.

– IoT Hardware Platform:

A complex and connected hardware platform based on cameras and sensors would be used to detect whether a vehicle is present or absent from the parking space. Leveraging IoT technology, it would connect to all parking structures in the area and transmit this information back to the server.

– Mobile Application:

This would be a tailor-made Android, iOS or cross-platform application that a consumer would use to find a vacant parking spot. The custom mobile application would show the driver in real-time what parking spots are available, which ones are taken, and would provide a comprehensive and easy to follow instruction on which space they can park in. This type of application may also allow for parking space reservations, automatic billing tracking, and amount of time spent in each parking space.

– Location Based Technology:

Would be integrated into the mobile application used by drivers so that automatic alerts could be beamed out about how many spots are available, which parking lots in the vicinity have available spots, and which parking garages are full.

How Can Your Business Benefit From a Parking Availability System?


A real-time parking availability system opens up your business to an innovative smart technology opportunity, through the use of modern technology such as the cloud and artificial intelligence. This, in turn, allows for dynamic pricing implementation, efficient use of parking space availability, and enhanced customer experience through a seamlessly integrated mobile application.

We can help!!

Let’s Nurture is a top mobile app development company focused on enhancing lives using cutting-edge technology solutions. We have developed IoT based Smart parking solutions using Beacons/ BLE and GPS technology for location detection along with Raspberry Pi hardware for our client in the USA.


Our mobile development team made Smart Parking apps on both native Android and native iOS platforms. With the expertise of in-house Python developers, AI- ML developers, Web developers, and designers; we have provided IoT and AI-based solutions to the retail industry. Our Artificial intelligence- Machine Learning (ML) and Computer Vision expertise enable the offering of best-in-class and unparalleled parking solutions.

Following are a few features we can incorporate to provide a robust and scalable Smart Parking system:

  • Map Location with Direct Navigation.
  • Advance Booking and Monthly Billing system.
  • Cashless payment with mobile wallets and other payment platforms.
  • Special facility for differently-abled drivers.
  • Slide to Open: The parking slider opens by sliding the door from the mobile application.

Want to get the best consultation for a unique Parking Management System? Let’s Talk!