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TOP 11 Ways Healthcare Can Create Better Patient Care With Smart Technology

In a bid to attract and retain new customers, businesses like financial institutions, restaurants, and online eCommerce shops have brought forth personalization as a way to make customers feel valued. When this is combined with convenience, responsiveness, and immediate access, customer experience, and satisfaction spikes. Now, consumers are expecting the same from healthcare solutions, and what the healthcare industry is learning is that when patients do not feel satisfied, whether this is because they don’t think their healthcare provider values them or is focused on improving their health, they will change providers. So, what can healthcare providers do to create better, value-based patient care that will provide an excellent consumer experience? Integrate smart technology so that patients have access to convenient patient care services.


Pain Point One: Why Healthcare Facilities Have a Lack of Convenient Care

Unfortunately, about 15% of the world’s population has some form of a disability and approximately 110 to 190 million adults suffer from significant impairments according to the World Health Organization Impairments with one’s ability to climb stairs, walk, or carry things causes mobility challenges that present as a barrier to obtaining preventative medical care. Why? Medical buildings are not equipped to take on those with these type of disabilities, whether that be because there’s not enough ramps or elevators or because too much walking is involved through the halls. It doesn’t get much better for those with chronic conditions either, as walk-in clinics don’t always have the quality of care needed to deal with the problem and getting referrals to specialists is an immensely difficult process. Beyond this, postoperative patients also experience poor customer service via healthcare facilities poor communication tools, as getting 24-hour access to medical care for complications like increased pain and fever, is not available in most cases. To tackle these problems, healthcare facilities are creating strategies through smart technology innovation to address the issues.

1. Virtual Visits and the Use of Telemedicine Apps Are on the Rise.

Patients can use telemedicine mobile applications to access their care from anywhere in the world, from any device that they have available. It enables patients to have virtual follow-up appointments and provides immediate access to care for patients who have disabilities or chronic conditions, which means fewer missed appointments and happier patients. Beyond this, telemedicine applications allow the individual to stay with their physician even if they move house, access medical advice for minor symptoms, and access medical aid when traveling. By equipping patient care facilities with telemedicine applications, the barriers to healthcare access are reduced.

2. Remote Monitoring Systems Are Becoming Vital.

The use of IoT based vital monitoring systems that are remotely controlled allows healthcare providers to monitor a patient’s health around the clock, including important vitals like blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. These can be used to notify healthcare caregivers when a patient falls, has a condition that worsens, are at risk for heart attack and stroke, or are in need of a new hip replacement. These IoT based healthcare solutions can be automated to send the information to a patient’s mobile phone or transmit the data to healthcare providers who can make informed medical decisions based on real-time data.

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3. Robots Are Being Used to Assist the Elderly.

Seniors who want to stay independent for longer can use robots to assist them in household cleaning, mitigate the risks of falling, and even bring medications from another room.

4. HIPAA Compliant Messaging Platforms Are Being Created.

Healthcare providers are not allowed to use instant messaging applications like Telegram and Whatsapp as these are not compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Modern vendors are taking note though and developing a new generation of instant messaging tools that are compliant, allowing patients and healthcare providers to converse in real-time.

5. Patient Portals Are Allowing Access to Health Data.

Online portals that are connected to electronic health records are giving patients access to their data, including discharge summaries, immunization and vaccination histories, allergy lists, laboratory results, and even physician notes. These can be downloaded and shared with other healthcare providers as needed.

Pain Point Two: Wait Times Are Too Long

It is without a doubt that wait times in patient care centers are too long, with patients sitting for hours in reception areas just to be seen. During these waits, patient conditions can deteriorate, causing them to need more complex care at higher costs. Beyond this, waiting to have an appointment schedule is frustrating when one’s health is at risk.

1. Appointment Booking Systems Are Being Created.

Having to phone in and wait on hold just to book an appointment is a frustrating experience for many. Smart technology applications like ZocDoc and Qless are increasing customer experience by allowing patients to book online, change their booking online and cancel their appointments online.

2. Consent Forms Are Going Digital.

By having online consent forms digitized, patients don’t have as much tedious paperwork to sign and they can be released sooner from care. These forms can be loaded right into the patient’s charts once submitted before an appointment.

3. Healthcare Providers Can Alert Patients on Delays.

Patients are better able to adjust their arrival times for appointments and waiting times in the reception room if they are aware of doctor delays. Notifications systems that integrate into electronic health records can notify patients if their doctor is behind schedule.

4. Adding More to Services to Reception Areas.

One way of increasing the patient experience in waiting rooms is by equipping each reception area with a tablet that allows the patient to complete satisfaction surveys, access online portals, provide feedback, update their contact information, or access things like consent forms and healthcare content. Those who have access to more information are far more likely to book future appointments and follow through on treatment plans.

Pain Point Three: Clearing Up Those Confusing Bills

Reaching out and getting healthcare is stressful enough but getting hung up on the bill when it far exceeds what the expectation was going in, is incredibly frustrating for patients. So much so, that some patients will not get medical care unless they know what the prices are for patient care services up front and center.

1. Use Pre-Appointment Messages.

Not only can pre-appointment messages inform patients about their upcoming appointment details, but they can also inform patients about their insurance co-pay details, co-pay obligations, deductibles, and the pricing of services. This makes the check-in process a whole lot smoother.

2. Healthcare Facilities Can provide Online Cost Estimations.

In providing patients with access to an online estimation tool for costs, a patient can garner a more detailed understanding of the breakdown of costs associated with specific procedures, including how much each specialist costs and what is covered by insurance plans.

When it comes to improving patient care, smart technologies like IOT in Healthcare, Patient Care can go a long way in fostering loyalty, establishing long-lasting relationships with patients, and ultimately improving overall patient satisfaction and experience. Using the above strategies can not only increase your reputation as a healthcare facility but it can help you outperform your current benchmarks and retain your patients.

Pioneering custom and robust healthcare mobility solutions for the last decade, Let’s Nurture has the required expertise in custom healthcare app solutions. If you are owning a healthcare business and looking for smart healthcare solutions, we can be your technology partners.

Let’s shake hands! Drop your inquiry to OR Call us at +1-631-954-6922.


How Remote Diagnostics Kiosks can be beneficial for Health Canada?

Technologies and innovations have brought ultimate transformation to the healthcare industry. There are cost concerns for personal care for the people in Canada. It is a common issue for people in all provinces and Health Canada altogether. Portable or Remote Diagnostic Health Kiosks is an IoT based smart healthcare solution which can be answer to this problem to some extent.

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Healthcare App Development Shifting from Record Keeping to Advisory

When it comes to personal wellness and healthcare mobility solutions, digital devices and smartphones are radically changing and transforming the healthcare system we have become familiar with. Health and fitness apps are on an explosive growth trend, becoming the gold standard in both data collection and storage for health data management, recording everything from your exercise levels to your sleep patterns. Through this data collection, physicians can monitor patient conditions, manage chronic diseases, and receive and act on information about vital signs and activity levels.

Healthcare Data Management turns to Smart Healthcare Advisory


Our smartphones and wearables become more intelligent, interactive and proactive leveraging technologies like custom mobile app development and wearable app development. Innovations in the healthcare industry have catered new capabilities that are allowing our healthcare mobile apps to shift from just being record keepers of our health to become hand-held health advisors. With on the spot medical advice, heart rate measurements and even body temperature monitoring, medical applications are now user-friendly and multi-functional. Let’s take a look at how healthcare apps are making this leap from data collection to providing functional feedback.

Healthcare Mobile Applications are Enhancing Patient Care Experience


In the days without smartphones and wearables, if patients were having a problem they would have to travel to the nearest clinic or hospital. Medical and healthcare mobility solutions are eliminating the need for patients and doctors to be in the same location at the same time in order for there to be a recommendation or diagnosis provided. This is great news for patients who suffer from chronic diseases in rural areas, as these types of patients may not have access to doctors in a quick and timely manner as they may be several miles away in the next city over. Rather, patients can use one of the many healthcare applications to access a doctor or clinical physician leveraging on-demand healthcare app development and receive expert consultation straight away.

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Mobile apps leveraging healthcare app development, although virtual, can be provided permitting that the doctor has access to the digital data that a healthcare mobile app has captured. Beyond being able to access a virtual assessment, a patient’s wait time on receiving a treatment plan or diagnosis is cut down as they will not have to wait for approval from their insurance company or wait in line at a clinic. This is a great example of patient care solutions for the healthcare industry.

Healthcare Apps Resulting Huge Improvements in Access to Healthcare & Patient Engagement


One of the major barriers to healthcare accessibility is the lack of patient engagement due to aspects such as:

  • Long wait times in lines at healthcare facilities
  • Lack of transparency in treatment plans
  • Lack of quality of services
  • High cost of traveling to the physician’s office and home again
  • Complex and cumbersome Paperwork process deteriorating Patient experience

Digitization in healthcare industry have led us to the time where healthcare apps are removing this complexity by eliminating the need to travel into the physician’s office, eliminating wait times when you get there by notifying you via text that your physician is running late, and laying out vital information like procedures, risks, and cost of treatment upfront. In addition to this, digital healthcare mobile apps can get to know you making things like refilling a prescription and having it shipped to the nearest location, automatic, efficient, and easy.

Digital Medical Apps catering Patient Care Solutions at Home


One of the most challenging issues that patients face when dealing with a complicated treatment plan, is the ability to recall said plan and then follow it. On top of this, reading through your doctor’s notes can be tedious, tiresome, and difficult to understand if they are not provided in common terms. Plus, a lot of patients may have a hard time remembering which tasks are the most important, which side effects they should be looking out for, and how to safely engage with their health protocol. Digital applications are making this a lot easier by placing urgent tasks at the top and allowing the app to delegate the rest out via notifications, reminders, and alarms. Finally, there is a sense of safety in that the data collected by the app can be transferred to your doctor at any time, ensuring that you are managing your health correctly and promptly at home.

Mobile Apps Provide On-Demand Readouts to Healthcare Professionals


With how current healthcare records are digitized, finding specific data points on patients can be time-consuming, inefficient, and make the difference between a successful split-second decision and a wrong choice. Due to the fact that digital healthcare applications store and collect a massive amount of healthcare related patient data and sorts it in an on-demand and easy to read report or synopsis, finding specific data points is as easy as using a simple keyword, phrase, or metric. Better yet, this data does not have to be collected or found in-house and can be accessed while the patient is at home, in out-patient care, or even while they are in treatment. Now that technology can monitor a patient 24/7, physicians are provided with a wider range of data points, leading to more accurate readouts that can be accessed on-demand through data transfer.

Let’s Not Forget About Add-Ons That Will Revolutionize Access to Medical Equipment

Finally, as our smartphones and wearables become more capable, we may begin to see the medical market open up to the idea of portable medical equipment that can attach to our devices. Things like portable stethoscopes that slot into your phone via the headphone jack may be able to record the sound of your heart and lungs, while a phone case may be able to detect your heart rate via your fingertips, and a portable ultrasound scanner that slots into your mini-USB port may be able to scan your organs. All of which can provide accurate, vital information to your healthcare professionals without you ever stepping inside a healthcare facility. It is clear that through digital applications, the barrier to understanding and acting on personal wellness is being broken down, enabling consumers to take charge of the information at their fingertips.

If you are a government influencer, hospital owner, corporate owner and looking for similar solutions, Get in touch with our healthcare industry experts who will provide custom solutions as per your business requirements.