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TOP 3 Charity Applications for Giving Back

In today’s world charity is one of the kindest acts demonstrated by individuals in order to give back to society. There are many mobile apps and web apps which have been created solely for charity purposes. Revolutionary custom mobile app development technology and usage of smartphones these days have made it easier to reach to right donors more effectively with instant access.


Charity Mobile application can increase donation for individuals and organisations. It can make donating simple, fast and effortless. Online donation via mobile app can enable NGOs, NPOs and individuals to support a cause by allowing people to contribute instantly.Take a look, Top 3 amazing charity applications which allow charity to be made easier.

TOP 3 Charity Applications to Look For

1) One Today

One Today is an interesting app that allows users to browse through projects of their own choice. People pay $1 or more depending upon their generosity as a donation. The best part about this app is that it is validated by Google and IRS i.e. your entire donation goes directly to charity. Also, you will receive a year-end tax receipt for all the donations made.

2) Budge

Budge is a fun based charity app that engages with three different aspects:

– Challenge

– Play

– Donate

This allows users to challenge friends or family like don’t smoke for a day or walk a mile which they play for fun and donate to a cause. It is user-friendly and allows children under the age of 18 years to use the app under parental consent. Once you have donated to charity, Budge charges a 5% amount from your donation as a few for using the application.

3) GiveTide

GiveTide allows people who are busy scheduled not to worry about donating at all. Yes, that’s the most unique feature! Use the app on your phone for shopping, pay via debit or credit card. It automatically going to add your spare change up for you and that donates to charity. Also, you have the pause feature which allows you to stop whenever you feel like. So just remember to round up, tap and donate!

Charities have the advantage of making the most of the innovations in the form of being mobile applications. The mobile app market is the best way to reach out to target audiences and spread awareness. App design specialists are available in many countries that work for causes across the globe. Various projects allow you to personalize your objectives.

Want to create your own charity app? Then what are you waiting for! There are many charity app builders that allow making apps for nonprofits. App institute allows you to build your own charity app without coding. Features and innovative designing techniques allow you to design your own apps.

To create your own charity app, take a look at the following quick and easy steps:

  • Select your template with features and tabs you need
  • Brand your app by promoting your charity’s information on Facebook
  • Customize your app with everything your users need
  • Make your app live to release your charity app to the world

Some custom developed Android and iOS mobile charity applications come with built-in features which allow you to collect donations or sell things for charity.

Yet, there are a couple of important things which are needed to be considered while developing a custom charity application.

Important Things to be Considered for Building Charity Apps:

– Communication: A custom built charity app platform should provide access to donors’ contact information. Donors may appreciate if receipts of donation confirmed transactions. This helps in increased trust and reliability over the donors.

– Receiving Payments & Monitoring Transactions: The charity app platform should ensure that no online donation transactions goes failed. Charity app must be able to provide seamless and user-friendly, frictionless transactions.

– Option to donate anonymously: This advance feature in charity web app or charity mobile app can allow donors to remain anonymous. This may help raise funds for sensitive causes. Having an option like this only helps in building patronage amongst donors for a good cause.

– Accepting international donations: The charity app platform should be able to accept different currencies and foreign cards to receive donations from abroad. It will only help to retrieve even more donations if payment process for domestic and international payments is thoughtfully integrated.

Work for a cause now and start your own projects by collaborating! The charity sector has been one of the slowest to adopt new technology, with smaller charities in particular struggling to keep up with the demands (and costs) of digital innovation. However, try and consult with our industry experts who will guide you to new yet unique ways that can convert your charity app idea into an amazing reality.