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TOP 5 APIs You Should Know If You Want To Build Fantasy League Platform

The universe of games is a great deal like a business. There’s preparation, rivalry wins, and misfortunes, enthusiasm, diligent work. To make it alive by sitting at home and enjoying the culture we introduce Fantasy Sports leveraging custom fantasy sports app development. Fantasy Sports is a world within itself, and for this we need APIs to be integrated with mobile applications developed. With regards to the application programming interfaces (APIs) and the API economy, the inquiry that gets posted to most habitually is “What is an API?”. Some may have the prospect that it’s a remote server. But in turn an API isn’t equivalent to the remote server – rather it is the piece of the server that gets demands and sends reactions.


Tailing it joins back to 1980, dream sports is simply the field wherein radical diversions fans substantiate themselves as they fail miserably hardest. Regardless of whether it’s baseball, football, or some other game held tight measurements, dream members draft a fanciful group inside a nonexistent class of genuine competitors. They utilize their games know-acceptable behavior as administrator for a season, beginning players and making exchanges. Contenders procure focuses dependent on how their picks perform in genuine amusements, and whoever has the most focuses toward the finish of the period wins.

How might it work?

Envision a server in an eatery. You, the client, are sitting at the table with a menu of decisions to arrange from, and the kitchen is the supplier who will satisfy your request.

You need a connection to impart your request to the kitchen and after that to convey your sustenance back to your table. It can’t be the culinary specialist since she’s cooking in the kitchen. You need something to interface the client who’s requesting sustenance and the cook who sets it up. That is the place the server – or the API – enters the image.

The server takes your request, conveys it to the kitchen, guiding the kitchen. It at that point conveys the reaction, for this situation, the sustenance, back to you. Also, if it’s planned effectively, ideally, your request won’t crash!

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The working is clear and clean to the appreciation. 

  • We make our gatherings and let others oblige us in the partnership.
  • The battle occurs as a live match.
  • Contenders gain centers subordinate around how their picks perform in genuine live entertainments, and whoever has the most concentrations close to the completion of the period wins.

Statistica for Fantasy Sports API:

  • Around 23 million dynamic players around the globe.
  • Around 7 million users in India, estimated for users to increase 50 million by 2020.
  • The development of imagination application clients in the year 2018 was 20 to 25%, is set to increase to 32% by the end of 2019.

TOP 5 comprehended APIs you should know to develop a Fantasy League Platform:

Let’s dive into the world of some well known Fantasy Sports APIs. The fantasy world that comprises of passion and devotion for sports, is a platform to explore and try a hand in the real sports arena.

  1. API Football
  2. Cricket Live Scores API
  3. API NBA
  4. TheRundown
  5. Live Sports Odds

1) API Football

“Football” is among the world’s most played games. API Football covers almost 160 leagues in football.

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Features of API Football that you are going to enjoy.

  • Matches and Events are refreshed each moment, a few alliances have just last outcome just (check in our inclusion table).
  • Lineups are accessible somewhere in the range of 20 and 40 minutes before the match.
  • Match Statistics are refreshed at regular intervals.
  • Standings are refreshed each end coordinate.
  • Player statics and info are updated each day.
  • Pre-match notification is served.
  • News related to matches is updated.

2) Cricket Live Scores API

“Cricket” doesn’t need any definition. It’s also among the world’s most played games like football. Cricket Live Scores API gives precious information to create cricket related applications.

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Features of Cricket Live Scores API that you are going to enjoy:

  • Matches and events are refreshed each moment.
  • Player stats are updated each day.
  • Lineups are accessible somewhere in the range of 30 minutes before the match.
  • Pre-match notification is served.


“Basketball” is one of the popular game among youngsters like cricket. The National Basketball Association (NBA) is a men’s expert b-ball group in North America; made out of 30 groups (29 in the United States and 1 in Canada). It is broadly viewed as the chief men’s expert ball alliance on the planet.

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Features of API NBA that you are going to enjoy:

  • Matches and events are refreshed each moment.
  • Player stats are updated each day.
  • Lineups are accessible somewhere in the range of 30 to 40 minutes before the match.
  • Pre-match notification is served.
  • Winners will be displayed.

4) TheRundown API

It’s an API for Football, Basketball, and Hockey. TheRundown API provides us with live scores and ongoing chances from sportsbooks.

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Features of TheRundown API that you are going to enjoy:

  • Live scores of matches are refreshed every moment.
  • Event status (started, in-progress, halftime, etc.) for matches.
  • The game period is updated daily.
  • Scores by period are updated every moment.
  • Winners will be displayed.
  • Venue name and location will be displayed.
  • Game clock.

5) Live Sports Odds

It’s a straightforward API to get live chances for football, soccer, basketball and loads more, from a few US, UK, and Aussie bookmakers.

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Features of Live Sports Odds API that you are going to enjoy:

  • Matches and events are refreshed each moment.
  • Player stats are updated each day.
  • Pre-match notification is served.
  • Scores by game period are updated every moment.
  • Lineups will be visible 30 to 40 minutes before the match.

Why choose Let’s Nurture for Fantasy Sports API Integration services?

Let’s Nurture is an ISO 9001:2015 certified web app development company in India, USA, Canada, Australia, UK, and Singapore. Using dominance of our in-house web engineers, Android originators, iOS engineers with cross-arrange headway limits, we have passed on dream sports answers for diversions dears.

If you have to get some answers concerning Sports API joining organizations or have any request; empathetically contact us or offer nuances at

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How IoT (Internet of Things) Industry Will Revolutionize Sports Equipment Industry?

IoT (Internet of things) technology is changing the world big time. Various IoT solutions have transformed a million lives personally, professionally, off the field and now on the field too.

Yes, you read it right! Gone are the days where people were focusing on player performances in the game. IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT THE GAME ANYMORE.


Digitization leveraging IoT app development and IoT solutions have forced Sports Industry to adapt to the change. It helps in real-time analysis of player performances in training sessions and matches along with unprecedented statistics on various aspects of the game.

Encouraging signs for Investors and Sports Equipment Organizations

Smart sports equipment help players of any kind, professionals and amateurs, to monitor, track, analyze and improve their performances. According to reports from Fund Global and Retail Technologies, Smart sports equipment is predicted to account for 7.5% of total sports equipment market by 2020 compared to 2.9% in 2015.

This shows a huge opportunity for sports equipment manufacturers and retailers along with sports organizations who are in contract.

Let us have a look at some majestic sports equipment powered by the Internet of Things.

IoT Powered Sports Equipments – a Magnificent Upgrade for Athletes

Smart Cricket Bats

Team India’s former legendary spin bowler Anil Kumble owns a sports technology company named Spektacom for whom Microsoft team is developing IoT based Smart bats.

It will be officially known as a ‘Power Bat’ which includes IoT sensors on bats which will help in delivering useful insights on players batting style.

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Real-time data on various parameters like impact, angle, distance, thrust and bat speed can be gathered, monitored and saved for post-match analysis for team meetings.

Adidas miCoach Smart Football

German-based sports equipment manufacturers giant, Adidas, has developed IoT powered smart football for German national football team. The IoT sensor(s) inside the ball has the ability to detect speed, spin, strike, and flight path.

The app users can see the diagnostics via IoT based Smart ball app which helps in analyzing player performance and carry our scope of improvement discussion during team briefings. The battery is rechargeable which leads to 2000 kicks of playing time with complete power capacity.

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We have seen technologies like IoT and wearable app development integrated into the Goal-line technology system introduced by FIFA over a couple of years too. Football is known to be ‘A Beautiful Game’, IoT is making it even more interesting and most importantly ‘A Fair Game’.

Wilson’s X Connected

American giants, Wilson Sporting Goods developed a smart basketball which has functionality similar to Adidas’ smart soccer ball.

As discussed above it gives data for overall game performance tracking with analytics for smart coaching.

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However, like football, it’s battery cannot be recharged due to ball design limitations and will turn itself into a regular basketball when the battery of the IoT sensor dies.

Smart Helmets

Perhaps, this is the biggest innovation pertinent to player safety. No other sports injury has received greater attention during the game as concussions or head injuries. Unfortunately, the world of sports has seen many players losing lives on the field due to severe head injuries over the years. This is one area where IoT based ‘Smart Helmets’ play a leading role.

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Smart Helmets contain impact sensors in-built which help in determining the severity of impact and if the player is exposed to a potential brain injury immediately. So if that is the case, the player can be withdrawn and sent for immediate treatment or diagnosis rather than on-field treatments.

Sports Gears with IoT Sensors

A lot of wearable devices have been used recently but only a few of them have succeeded. For example, chest bands can be uncomfortable for football players while controlling the ball through the chest and considered not safe. Instead, smart vest with IoT sensors came in which can be worn over the team shirt with no hardware on the front.

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Smart vests read players heart rate and record GPS data via IoT sensors and send real-time data for analytics. Spanish footballing giants Real Madrid and English giants Arsenal have started using connected vests during live matches.

Win-Win Situation for Amateurs, Athletes & Marketers

Smart sports equipment has shown encouraging signs and dynamism for sustainable market growth. It is widely expected that as IoT based sports equipment will become mainstream, multiple competitors will arise. This will cause a price drop in these smart sports goods and make them more affordable to buy. This will lead to increased sales in smart sports equipment, what else could be better for marketers!

Athletes are loving it and they will stick to such IoT powered smart sports equipment. Consumer adoption shall increase as more and more athletes are joining the party to use smart equipment to track their own progress. Smart Sports Equipment also creates a huge opportunity for virtual coaching programs based on access to real-time data.

Wintergreen Research predicts that the global market for sports coaching platform will be around $861 million in 2021, compared to $49 million in 2014.

Why choose Let’s Nurture to develop Smart Sports Equipment?

Let’s Nurture is an ISO 9001:2015 certified IoT solutions providing company having a pool of expert embedded engineers for product design, IoT based custom PCB design, embedded systems design, open hardware implementation, etc. Pioneering mobile app development for 10+ years, we can serve with top-notch IoT app development services with integration with hardware system for seamless communication and real-time data analysis.

We love all kinds of sports and our developers are huge sports enthusiasts which makes it easy for us to understand the similar requirements of our clients.

Have a similar idea in developing IoT powered sports equipment? Free expert consultationwith our Sports Tech Specialists is just a Click away!

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Fantasy API Integration Services For Your Fantasy Sports Mobile App Solution

“The man who has no creative energy has no wings” – is the new speculation of being a games lover.

There is no uncertainty that the competitors and the games they speak to have turned out to be vital to the onlookers that appreciate watching them and thus need to resemble them. In course we need to be a piece of the group and even make our very own as kids making a dream that they rule. And so there comes the “Dream Sports API” for us.


Dream sports programming interface is intended for our dreamland and our long for games. Following its underlying foundations back to 1980s, dream sports is the field in which extremist games fans substantiate themselves as the bite the dust hardest. Here we make a pipe long for an association and players with genuine competitors.

Fantasy Sports API:

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  • The Fantasy sports industry is ready and tastes to the dimension best, yet at the same time to the opposite.
  • The Fantasy Sports API gives URI used to get to dream sports information.
  • The Fantasy Premier League diversion has huge amounts of information accessible to enable us to out to make player picks for the group.

How does Fantasy Sports API work?

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The working is very clear and clean to the comprehension.

  • We make our groups and let others go along with us in the alliance.
  • The fight happens as a live match.
  • Contenders gain focuses dependent on how their picks perform in real live recreations, and whoever has the most focuses toward the finish of the period wins.


  • In excess of 23 billion dynamic players all around. Around 57 million dream players in the USA and Canada.
  • Around 7 million users in India, estimated for users to increase 50 million in the next three years.
  • Eilers Research demonstrates that ordinary amusements will create nearly $2.3 billion in passage charges this year and keep on becoming 41% every year, hence achieving a striking $12.8 billion by 2020.
  • The development of imagination application clients in the year 2018 was 20 to 25%.

Some well-known Sports APIs:

There is a pack of Sports APIs you are going to discover in the event that you head on for a hunt. Some are kept to explicit matches like FIFA, some to specific amusement like cricket, football, and so on… and some are for a gathering like Olympics; whichever way all are for dream fantasy land venture.

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(You may like to know: How much will it cost to develop a Fantasy Sports Mobile App like Dream11? )

How about we jump into a portion of the dream APIs, that are outstanding and are working at the top.

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  1. La Liga Live Score API (specifically designed to support the Spanish Football League, La Liga)
  2. Premier League Live Score API (designed to update in real time to support the Premier League)
  3. Fantasy Sports Platform API (data for all professional and major sports)
  4. Sportsmonks Formula One API (designed for football, basketball, tennis, and soccer)
  5. Entity Digital Sports Cricket (designed for cricket, soccer, and basketball)
  6. Game ScoreKeeper Live API (data for football)
  7. Panda Score API (data provider of e-sports)
  8. Roanuz Cricket API (fetch real-time data for cricket)
  9. Cric API (data for cricket)
  10. Yahoo Fantasy Sports API (provide URIs used to access fantasy sports data)

How to integrate the Fantasy Sports API with Laravel?

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There are certain steps to be followed to integrate fantasy API with laravel.

1) Create an app.

  • Register the API.

To register Click

  • It will redirect to the homepage where you have to click on Console to get into API console page.
  • Click Apps and Click on Create New App button and provide the required details to create the app.
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2) Choose the plan.

  • Select the API plan based on the requirement.
  • Click on Buy and continue with payment.

3) Generate the access button.

  • The Access Token is required to access all API. The access token needs to be re-generated for every 24 hours from the time of access token generation or whenever the API throws the API status of the response Invalid Access Token error.
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Call the Auth API using the curl command.

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(For reference have a look into: )

How to integrate Fantasy Sports API with MEAN Stack?

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To integrate MEAN Stack with Fantasy API we have to follow certain steps.

  • Create a new app using Angular CLI.
  • Create a MongoDB instance.
  • Connect the MongoDB and the app server using Node.js driver.
  • Create a RESTful API server in Node.js and Express.
  • Implement the API endpoints.

(For reference have a look into: )

Yahoo with Fantasy Sports API

Yahoo! has given two full draft and exchange style dream football and baseball games – a free version, and one plus version (which contains more highlights and substance). With the 2010 seasons, the Free and Plus versions of Football and Baseball have blended. The Yahoo! Dream Sports API uses the Yahoo! Query Language (YQL) as a component to get to Yahoo! Dream Sports information, returning information in XML and JSON positions.

(You may look into: )

Why choose Let’s Nurture for Fantasy Sports API Integration Services?

Let’s Nurture is a Leading Fantasy Sports App Development Company in India, USA, Canada, Australia, UK, and Singapore. We have a particularly devoted group of Laravel developers and MEAN Stack developers. Utilizing mastery of our in-house web engineers, Android designers, iOS engineers with cross-stage advancement capacities, we have conveyed dream sports answers for games darlings.

In the event that you need to find out about Sports API joining administrations or have any inquiries; compassionately reach us or offer subtleties at


Team Let’s Nurture Wins a Trophy on Debut at Socio Gully Cricket Tournament 2019

Cricket team of Let’s Nurture Infotech have stunned everyone by winning Runners up trophy on their debut at Socio Games Corporate Gully Cricket Tournament 2019.


Never give up attitude, fantastic Team Spirit and dedicated on-field performances have seen Team Let’s Nurture bringing a Trophy home on their maiden participation in the corporate gully cricket tournament. A total of 8 teams participated in this tournament, which is usually the most anticipated sporting events in the city. The credit for organizing such an awesome cricketing festival (from 6th March-12th March) obviously goes to Socio Corporate Cricket League foundation!

A Big Thank You to Socio Games Foundation

The purpose of Socio Games is to establish a platform to bring corporates of the city together through Sports and boost CSR initiatives.”– said Jay Shah, the Founder of Socio Games.

Being a top custom mobile application development company, Let’s Nurture has huge influence already in the domain of CSR activities in Ahmedabad. This was the primary reason for us to participate in Corporate Gully (Box) Cricket Tournament to help the cause.

Team Let’s Nurture: Road to the Final

Under the Captaincy of Abhishek Amin- Digital Marketing Manager, and Vice-Captaincy of Priyank Bhojak- Senior Project Manager, Let’s Nurture was looking a proper unit with all guns blazing.

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Let’s Nurture cricket team had been put in a tough group along with strong tournament favorites Yudiz, Synoverge, and CIMCON. Against all the odds, the team Let’s Nurture delivered an all-round performance to win nail-biting contests in the group stages and registered victories over all the other teams in the group to enter the semi-final.

SOPHOS from the other group was another big hurdle for our team to be in the finals with strong bowling power in their arsenal. However, our boys again came out on top with a wonderful victory over SOPHOS with 30 runs. Considered as minnows at the start of the tournament, it was a special feeling for us and especially for the team as it was our debut in a format of this kind.

Team Let’s Nurture played against defending champions TCS in the finals and our team absolutely gave their all in what was meant to be a back-to-back game of cricket. We ended up as being the runners up but we were thoroughly proud to have brought the match to the last over.

Purpose and Future Goals:

This tournament has perked us upbringing in new faces to our Let’s Nurture cricket team. Huge credit to all the team members who did give it all that they had on the field and off too. A big thank you to Let’s Nurture management who made us participate in this memorable corporate cricket tournament by building a foundation for the similar events for the future.

Let’s Nurture Infotech is the ideal place to be in for anyone who wants to build a career working with cutting-edge technologies in domains of mobile app development, website development, IoT app development, Chatbots, AR-VR development and more. We have family right here which is not only bound to work and finish milestones, but also given regular chances to shine through various sports and other technology events participation.

Join our amazing family and perk your life up, even at work, with huge opportunities to blossom your professional career in the IT industry.