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Chatbots For Automated Counseling

Stress and depression have become common today. In this day and age of social media, people may be connected but they don’t interact in person. Human interaction has declined and that has caused the problem of anxiety and loneliness in people. What if you can speak to someone to reduce your mental burden? What if someone is there who can listen to you and act as a friend?

Talking does help at times especially if there is a build-up; you need to release it somewhere for your sanity. Do you know there are automated chats and apps that can act like your friend and listen to you?

More about Automated Chatbots:

Automated Chatbots are also called mental health chatbots. The response of the chatbots is based on artificial intelligence along with the human element. Most people still don’t believe that chatbots can help in counseling.


It is not possible to use chatbot for interaction through programming and algorithms. But, this is not the case. Initial results of automated chatbots have proved that indeed it is promising and it can help in mind therapies as well. The process will not replace traditional counseling but will help to make a small shift from the way things work. There are many apps and chatbots that help to measure up in-person therapy.

Some of the Popular Chatbots are:


Wysa is an AI-powered penguin that works on both iPhone and Android operating systems. The conversations on Wysa are encrypted and private. It helps to build a toolkit that is based on a variety of exercises. The exercises are based on mindful meditation so it helps a person to relax.

It not only helps to manage the stress but also deals with anxiety in a great way. It has a therapeutic approach that provides relaxation without any side effect. It offers CBT skills and restructuring thoughts that help to relax.

Wysa is user-friendly, easy to use and attractive. It also offers a real-life coach option, but a person has to pay for that option.

Wysa is perfect for users who suffer from anxiety attacks or mild depression. The app is programmed well and there are no hiccups when you use the app. The best feature of Wysa is it uses the gif, which can help to lighten your mood and even manage to make you smile. Though it cannot replace a real therapist, still it can help you relax in a good way.


Woebot is a fully automated conversational agent that helps in chatting. There is a privacy policy you can update and then use the chat feature. Woebot is user-friendly and flexible. It views the confidentiality feature and takes into account other factors as well.

It helps to identify various moods with the help of emoji support. The chat app works on cognitive behavior therapy that works well for fluctuating emotions.

It uses an event-based approach for treatment. It can help you to deal with the situation. If you tell about your mood, it will ask you why your mood is off and the reasons for the same. The best part about the chatbot app is if offer different quizzes and videos that help you to relax.

You can chat with the app for ten minutes at a stretch; it feels like chatting with a therapist. Well, it won’t replace the therapist but still, it will make you feel good about yourself. It’s a great tool for therapy and it’s also good for people who suffer from mild depression. The app is also attractive to use and the process of installation is simple.


Talkspace provides online therapy that is monitored by a licensed therapist. It uses different activity-based tools to make considerable improvement for compassion, balance, happiness, productivity, and self-awareness. Users can communicate using audio, text or video messages.

It is not only easy to navigate but it is also user-friendly. This medium is not for shy people, its for people who are comfortable with face to face talk. It is more like speaking to a real therapist without any worry of taking a prior appointment.

It also provides a unique passcode system so you can also freeze your account for some days. The only thing to consider in this app is the cost of it.


Joyable offers real-life artificial intelligence support. It is a platform that supports real-life coach with CBT. It deals with different structured assessments that can help users decide their call. It informs users about their emotional behavior and the reason for it. It also offers a specific program that works well with trained sessions.

There are different user-friendly activities in the program that helps to track different moods. It is easy to navigate and attractive to use. The app is good for people who suffer from mild symptoms of depression and anxiety.

It also lets you stay on track with self-improvement. It is good for people who deal with anxiety attacks and need emotional support. Though the only thing to consider is – the time. It is the best app that will help you to relax.

The Future of Automated Chatbots:

Depression and anxiety issues are a major cause of concern today. You cannot always talk to someone in need. It’s important that you vent all out because that will make you feel lighter.

Technology has its pros and cons. But, when you use it in a positive way, it can not only deal with the issue of depression but also provide you with therapeutic relief. Apps that deal with mind therapy use chatbots to provide great functionality and emotional support.

Also, there are no privacy concerns as most chatbots use the encryption feature. Its no harm using these apps and chatbots for relief.

Effective mental health apps and therapy can help a person deal with mental issues. The various hybrid models along with the use of AI is surely making a huge impact. Things will change in the future with new updates as well.

Let’s Nurture, being a leading Chatbot development services provider with vintage experience in fostering the technological requirements of the clients, assure you the best in web and app development. Moreover, we exclusively provide extensive IoT solutions, BLE solutions, Website development and Mobile app development. If you are looking for chatbot development solutions, we would be happy to foster your requirements to solidify your customer satisfaction objective.

For any queries about Hire Chatbot developers, feel free get in touch with us.


Team Let’s Nurture Wins a Trophy on Debut at Socio Gully Cricket Tournament 2019

Cricket team of Let’s Nurture Infotech have stunned everyone by winning Runners up trophy on their debut at Socio Games Corporate Gully Cricket Tournament 2019.


Never give up attitude, fantastic Team Spirit and dedicated on-field performances have seen Team Let’s Nurture bringing a Trophy home on their maiden participation in the corporate gully cricket tournament. A total of 8 teams participated in this tournament, which is usually the most anticipated sporting events in the city. The credit for organizing such an awesome cricketing festival (from 6th March-12th March) obviously goes to Socio Corporate Cricket League foundation!

A Big Thank You to Socio Games Foundation

The purpose of Socio Games is to establish a platform to bring corporates of the city together through Sports and boost CSR initiatives.”– said Jay Shah, the Founder of Socio Games.

Being a top custom mobile application development company, Let’s Nurture has huge influence already in the domain of CSR activities in Ahmedabad. This was the primary reason for us to participate in Corporate Gully (Box) Cricket Tournament to help the cause.

Team Let’s Nurture: Road to the Final

Under the Captaincy of Abhishek Amin- Digital Marketing Manager, and Vice-Captaincy of Priyank Bhojak- Senior Project Manager, Let’s Nurture was looking a proper unit with all guns blazing.

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Let’s Nurture cricket team had been put in a tough group along with strong tournament favorites Yudiz, Synoverge, and CIMCON. Against all the odds, the team Let’s Nurture delivered an all-round performance to win nail-biting contests in the group stages and registered victories over all the other teams in the group to enter the semi-final.

SOPHOS from the other group was another big hurdle for our team to be in the finals with strong bowling power in their arsenal. However, our boys again came out on top with a wonderful victory over SOPHOS with 30 runs. Considered as minnows at the start of the tournament, it was a special feeling for us and especially for the team as it was our debut in a format of this kind.

Team Let’s Nurture played against defending champions TCS in the finals and our team absolutely gave their all in what was meant to be a back-to-back game of cricket. We ended up as being the runners up but we were thoroughly proud to have brought the match to the last over.

Purpose and Future Goals:

This tournament has perked us upbringing in new faces to our Let’s Nurture cricket team. Huge credit to all the team members who did give it all that they had on the field and off too. A big thank you to Let’s Nurture management who made us participate in this memorable corporate cricket tournament by building a foundation for the similar events for the future.

Let’s Nurture Infotech is the ideal place to be in for anyone who wants to build a career working with cutting-edge technologies in domains of mobile app development, website development, IoT app development, Chatbots, AR-VR development and more. We have family right here which is not only bound to work and finish milestones, but also given regular chances to shine through various sports and other technology events participation.

Join our amazing family and perk your life up, even at work, with huge opportunities to blossom your professional career in the IT industry.

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Why Voice Bots Will be the Next Frontier in Automation

One of the biggest shifts in communication technology is underway, as the exponential growth, integration, and acceptance of artificial intelligence continue to dominate our digital landscape. One particular sector that is poised to make a tremendous impact within artificial intelligence’s realm is voice-based automation. The widespread use of voice-based assistants has caused companies to invest and adopt into the technology aggressively, as to meet the demand of increased consumer expectations for real-time connections to brands and companies. Due to this, we are looking at voice-controlled automation as the future for marketplaces, online transactions, and IoT products but first, let’s take a look at how we got here.

How Chatbot Automation Has Shifted Us Away From Customer Support Teams


When we take a look back at the past, customer service involved a complicated series of steps for the consumer.. If one wanted to get into contact with the company, they would have to find a number to call, navigate through a series of prompts, and then wait to be connected with a customer service representative. At this point in the process, they would need to reconfirm identifying information before receiving the support needed. This meant that customer service representatives faced repetitive, mundane, and low-level inquiries, over and over again on a daily basis, often causing the support to be delayed or causing frustration on the consumer’s end. In come chatbots, the better way to answer repetitive questions that pop up over and over again through live chat, e-mail, and phone calls. These chatbots are a cost-effective one-time investment, to providing on-the-go customer support that is efficient, responsive, and available twenty-four-seven.

Here is how they are shifting us away from full-fledged customer support teams.

  • Chatbots can take over a wide range of customer touch points, from gathering relevant information such as name, e-mail, issue, feedback, and inquiries to choosing the correct support agent to forward the individual to.
  • Chatbots can reduce the need for a customer support team to be around twenty-four-seven as they can be online for as long as possible, and manage multiple conversations simultaneously.
  • Chatbots are cheaper to acquire and install them is incredibly easy. This trumps hiring a massive customer support team that requires training and on-going expenses.
  • Chatbots streamline the passing of customer information, improving the customer experience that a consumer has with an actual agent.
  • Chatbots have a quick response time, unlike live agents that you must wait in queue for.
  • Chatbots can attend to more than one customer at a time, ensuring that everyone is dealt with.
  • Chatbots do not need any type of human intervention, allowing it to consistently chat for hours without the need for a break.

All in all, chatbots cannot replace a human customer agent completely but they do save companies a lot of time, money, and energy when it comes to customer service teams. Now that we understand the advantages of chatbots, let’s take a look at how the advancement of machine learning and voice command is moving us towards voice-controlled bots and economic transactions.

What Is Voice-Controlled Transaction Automation and Why Is It Inevitable?

A voice-controlled transaction is simply, a transaction that you make using a voice command as the prompt into a voice-assistant. With voice-controlled smart hubs and digital assistants already being a popular option among consumers, it is only natural that the progression and use of voice-recognition technology for making payments online become the way of the future.

According to Business Insider Intelligence, voice payments on eCommerce platforms are common, with payments made to colleagues or friends (P2P) and bill payments made by voice the following suit. The growth that we are seeing in this area is happening due to two artificial intelligence sub-categories, natural language processing, and machine learning. Essentially, our computers are now better equipped to understand speech (through natural language software) and are now able to learn from contextual information and apply it to future conversations (machine learning), both of which create a more dynamic, scalable and, intuitive user experience. As such, we are seeing banks and mobile payment platforms implementing voice-controlled transactions across voice-assistant devices such as Google’s Home, Apple’s Siri, and Amazon’s Alexa.

As voice-controlled transactions become the way of the future, we are going to see more growth alongside voice authentication security systems, which are what will allow or deny a person access to online transactions. A voice authentication system uses a person’s voice biometrics or patterns to identify who is speaking (not what they are saying as that is speech recognition). This includes creating a digital numerical representation of an individual’s dialect, frequency, style, and pitch and matching it against already-recognized patterns. Any slight differences or distortions will deny or lock access to the online transaction.

How About Voice-Controlled Automation and IoT Products?

Speaking of Google Home, Apple’s Siri, and Amazon’s Alexa, as we grow more connected through systems like these and create more sophisticated voice-controlled assistants, we are opening up the possibility of having a limitless number of voice-controlled home devices. We’ve seen this on a small scale with audio enabled smart light bulbs, entertainment systems, and security systems like Nest, but not on a larger scale quite yet. Eventually, we will jump from using voice-controlled assistants to turn on or off our ovens, televisions, fridges, thermostats, and mirrors and instead just use our own voice.

Finally, as the world moves towards enabling and integrating more sophisticated voice bots and voice-controlled devices into our homes, payment systems, and businesses, we will see it become the natural way to interact with utility marketplaces like food delivery services and booking services. We will be able to use nothing but our voices to open up applications, sort through the menus, book what we need or order what we want, and of course pay for it, all in the manner of a few minutes, completely hands-free.

Although we may not know exactly where voice technology will take us, it is definitely inevitable that voice bots are the new frontier in automation. They will make it easier to complete mundane and repetitive tasks such as answering customer support questions, purchasing food, or booking a venue, while still enriching our lives by making the world more connected and easy to use. Beyond this, voice bots, voice search, and voice assistants bring a level of personalization that both the digital and physical world hasn’t seen yet.

Looking for Chatbot development services for your business? Let’s Talk.

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5 Ways eCommerce Logistics are Impacted by Artificial Intelligence

When we take a look at our digital ecosystem, that is the connections between the processes and parts that make up our communication channels, digital networks, and online platforms, we see artificial intelligence poised to make a dramatic impact. Both industries and companies are aggressively investing in Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects as a way to leverage consumer data, drive better business performance, and improve overall business operations. What this means for the eCommerce industry is game-changing solutions for all facets of operation; from inventory management to how product advertisements are placed and tweaked, to how companies address abandoned carts and fake reviews.

Take a look at Top 5 ways eCommerce will be impacted by the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the coming years.


1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Be Used for Targeted Product Placement:

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can be used to analyze a consumer’s behavior allowing companies to optimize advertising campaigns towards an audience that is more likely to convert. To put it simply, artificial intelligence and programmatic advertising can gather audience data and then use it to target them with the products that they are interested in. The campaign optimization and product placement targets can be changed and tweaked in real-time across mobile devices, as well as, video and social channels. How is this done? Through the use of demand-side platforms the collect and analyze cookie data gathered from website visitors.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Push Consumers Back Into Abandoned Carts:

One of the major issues that eCommerce companies see is abandoned carts. Now, these carts can be abandoned for a number of reasons such as unexpected delivery costs, concerns over the security of the site, being forced to create an account or complicated checkout processes that require too much information. Fixing these situations will definitely help with minimizing how often the cart gets abandoned but in order to understand the why behind the forgotten cart, artificial intelligence must be used. AI can recognize patterns behind the choice of products, at which stage the cart was abandoned, and how much time was spent actually filling the cart. With these metrics, marketers can use enticing deals, on-screen advertisements, and e-mails to re-engage the customer’s interest in the abandoned cart and thereby get them to re-visit the site to possibly make a purchase.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Provide a Concierge Type Experience Through Chatbots:

Artificial intelligence can be leveraged through chatbots in order to provide a better and more personalized user experience, regardless of the industry. In the eCommerce industry, we are likely to see chatbots being used with outbound messaging systems as a way to connect with and deliver notifications to customers. For instance, when a customer makes a purchase online that must be shipped to them, as soon as that shipment leaves the facility, a chatbot can notify the consumer. Or, when a package crosses over a certain predefined transit point, say halfway to the destination, a notification can be triggered to keep the customer informed of delivery time and date. This type of automated system not only frees up customer service representatives to do other jobs, but it also ensures that the consumer has a positive user experience.

4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Address and Unearth Fake Reviews:

Although competition within the eCommerce industry bodes well for companies, it can also bring out the worst in some businesses who choose to engage in digital slander. Unfortunately, some retailers are known to arrange for fake reviews or negative reviews to be posted about their competitors online. For most consumers and companies, it’s very difficult to tell the difference between an authentic negative review and a fake review. Artificial intelligence solves this problem by re-tracing when and how the fake reviews were posted in order to reveal the patterns associated with these motivated reviews. This will allow companies to blacklist retailers who try to game the system. This is a massive leap forward for eCommerce businesses as manually going through millions of transactions is impossible and the metrics needed to identify motivated reviewers too vast for it to even be a plausible option.

5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Take Inventory Management to the Next Level With Predictive Analytics:

When it comes to the management of inventories, maintaining them at the right level without errors or delays is challenging and difficult at best when done manually. However, when you combine artificial intelligence, the use of robotics, and big data analytics, inventory management becomes highly optimized and produces superior results. This is because stock levels can be maintained at various volumes based on consumer demand and consumption. How? Artificial intelligence uses predictive analytics in order to garner information from various touch points like buying preferences, competitor sales figures, reviews, product launches, returns, and retailers, which allows it to prepare for periodic surges in demand. Beyond this, AI can leverage the information gathered from predictive analytics to personalize user choice. For instance, if one particular consumer prefers a certain color or brand of clothing, they can be prompted with an advertisement when a new product becomes available by the brand or in that color.

In our digital age, technology is the main differentiator to whether a company outdoes their competition. Artificial intelligence enables companies to provide a better user-experience to shoppers by providing streamlined notifications, 24/7 communication, and personalized and targeted products that meet the visitors’ demands and needs. Without artificial intelligence, shoppers would not receive an immediate response when using live chat systems, they would not receive instantaneous notifications about product delivery, and they would not be reminded to check out their abandoned carts. Beyond this, inventory management would be slower, filled with more delays, and be subject to more human error. In essence, AI is a technological tool that all companies should be utilizing in the immediate future.

If you are looking the best and FREE initial consultation for your ranching business to transform it leveraging cutting-edge technology, get in touch with our expert consultants.