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Is Voice Assistant Technology Safe For Children?

Voice assistant technology is the need of the hour. Your one command can make things easier for you.

But, is voice-assistant technology safe for your children? Well, if you use Amazon Alexa at home, naturally your children will use it too.


From funny questions, entertainment to playing games and advice, your children will ask every possible thing to the voice assistant. But, this is not good in a way. There is a need to be watchful for providing access to children. If they get habituated, then it can affect their communicative skills as well. But, there are many benefits of using the Voice Assistant technology.

How it is beneficial for parents?

  • Creating a quick list

With Amazon Alexa, parents can create a quick do to list for the day. There are so many school activities, creating a list would make the job easier for parents. The list can also be created for different kinds of work.

  • Set reminders for children

It’s easier to set reminders for your children through Google assistant or Alexa. If you are a working parent, you can set a reminder for studies, playing and eating routine. Your child will simply follow the routine according to the reminder.

  • Tell stories

With the voice skill feature of Amazon Alexa, you can turn it into a storyteller. Just select a skill and ask it to read a children’s story. There are different variations to choose in this feature as well. It’ll entertain your child for sure.

  • Keep your child engaged

With Amazon Alexa skill development feature, you can keep your child engaged for hours. With crazy child interactive features, your child will feel amazing. It’s a great way to develop interactive and cognitive skills of your child.

  • Set timers

Same as reminders, you can also set timers. If you want your child to focus on a particular activity during a day, you can set a reminder. Like, you can set a reminder for cleaning the room or reading a book.

  • Play kids friendly music

With Alexa, you can set music stations for children. You can also customize a kid’s friendly music for them. They’ll listen to the tracks you customize or the station that you choose. It is a safer option if you compare it with popular music options.

  • Set clock

It’s a tiring job to wake up your children, right? You might be having many versions of alarm clock for them. But, if the clocks don’t work, you can choose Alexa for setting an alarm. The great features will help you wake up your child in no time.

  • Games

From Bingo, Tic-tac-toe to the Magic door, Alexa has so many games that’ll keep your children well occupied. The best part is that your children can choose a category they love to play the most.

  • Turn off the lights

Being a smart parent, you can also turn off the lights with the help of Alexa if your child is asleep. You can turn off the lights using the smart home and add a device feature of Alexa. It’s as easy as it sounds.

TOP 5 Benefits of voice assistant technology for Children:

1) Integration of gadgets

Integration of various gadgets is perhaps the best feature of the voice assistant. From home appliances to electronic devices, everything can be integrated with voice assistant technology. If both the parents are working, it becomes easier for children to use gadgets.

2) Convenience of use

It’s the smart generation and children love to use a different kind of gadgets. In fact, half the time you’ll find them playing games or watching something on the tablet. For children, use of voice assistant like Google assistant is a great feature

3) Voice commands for easy learning

Alexa skills development feature guides and help your children in many ways. Through this feature, your children can learn many things. Interactive features and voice commands are great for easy learning. You can also set customized options for commands.

4) Assistance

Voice assistant technology provides assistance like no other. Your child can ask any query or question. Most parents set this to parental control feature so that there is no misuse. Safety wise also it’s much secured for your child.

5) Communication is better

In today’s times, communication skills are the most important. Your child has to learn good skills in order to excel. Amazon Alexa and Google assistant can help to improve the communication skills of your children. With prolonged use, it can also help to develop language skills.

7 out of 10 children are using voice assistant today

According to a recent survey, 7 out of 10 children are using voice assistant technology because of the ease of use.

92% of children reported that they are using the Voice-assisted technology to find out information, 90% to ask funny questions and 73% for play music.

7 out of 10 children are using voice assistant today

Children even used technology for playing games. The survey was done in the age group of 8 to 17. This only means that voice assistant technology is getting popular with time and most children use it for their convenience.

Should parents be concerned?

Too much of exposure to gadgets is not good. As a parent, you would want to limit that time. But, use of voice assistant technology is actually good for children with parental control feature.

Being a smart parent, you can set controls for your child. The accessibility and features will work according to your set controls. Use of technology is good for your child as your child will be smart and updated about things. If you think it’s going overboard, you can always switch it off.

In a Nutshell

Voice assistant technology is surely trending with young children. They interact with technology in the same way as they do it with people. The only thing you need to consider is teaching your children ways to interact with voice assistant technology.

You need to create a secure platform for them so that there is no misuse of technology. Explain to your children about technology and talk about safety and security too. Once they are aware of the use, they’ll feel empowered to use the technology.

How Let’s Nurture can help with Custom Voice Skills Development?

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Let’s Nurture is a leading mobile app development company, having offices in India, USA, Canada, UK, Singapore, and Australia, has 8+ Google Home Action developers and Amazon Alexa Skill developers to hire. We provide best-in-class voice first technology solutions leveraging smart speakers which will enhance customer experience and boost business revenues.

Get in touch to know about our work on Voice First technology and voice-assistants.

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TOP 5 Internet of Things (IoT) Predictions for 2019

According to Statista, More than 23.14 billion devices are connected globally through IoT technology. It is also a big thing that IoT solutions will drive $344 billion in revenues globally while cutting down costs up to $177 billion.

“Smart”– this word has somewhat changed the existence of the actual way in which it was used before, at least in the engineering and networking communities. From gadgets to the place we are living and our daily necessities, everything around is just going ‘Smart’. This can be considered as the success of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology and solutions.

Exponential Growth of IoT across Industries:

The growth of IoT applications and IoT solutions has been magnificent globally throughout the years. Businesses in multiple industry domains have had reaped rewards by increasing revenues, simplifying the business process and by cutting the fixed -variable costs to a certain extent on permanent bases.

For the healthcare industry, IoT based Smart healthcare solutions include remote monitoring, smart sensors and medical device integration to a custom IoT mobile application leveraging custom mobile app development services. Life sciences and IoT Application in Healthcare are expected to grow to $1.335T in 2020, amounting to 17% CAGR as per Google.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has been a huge success in the manufacturing industry to automate multiple devices and processes to gather real-time data with robust security and make predictive analysis for better decision making. IoT usage in Industrial manufacturing is projected to grow from 2014’s $472B to $890B in 2020. Let us have a look at the Top 5 Predictions for IoT based solutions for various industries.


TOP 5 Internet of Things (IoT) Predictions for 2019:

1. Virtual Try-On (Magic Mirror) set to penetrate Retail Industry:

One of the most advanced IoT based solutions set to dominate the retail industry is the Smart mirror or Magic mirror. A virtual try-on solution for the in-store customers to try products (clothes, cosmetics,etc.) and see their appearance by standing right in front of a mirror powered with Raspberry Pi Web camera, LED Monitor covered with a sheet of the reflective one-way mirror provides interaction. Using Sensors, the Smart Mirror interacts with the user through gesture/ touch and responds to them adequately.

Implementation of technologies like AI, RFID, display technologies and IoT app development will make it a Smart Mirror. It is an interactive touch-free device that will address the need of accessing up-to-date information required by the user.

2. Comprehensive growth in Smart Home Automation:

Imagine having a fridge so smart that it can order food for you when you run out of things. A refrigerator that can tell you what to make based on ingredients that you have. Or a fridge that lets you know that you forgot to shut the door. Remotely. Through an app on your mobile device!

Smart home automation concept is leading the line to get implemented as giants in electric appliances like Phillips and Syska have implemented ‘Smart lights’ which can be controlled through an Android or iOS mobile application.

With the invention of Smart Speakers like Google Home, Amazon Echo Dot leveraging Amazon Alexa Skills development and HomePod leveraging voice-assistant technology, the home automation has been brought to a whole new level to enhance the living experience.

3. Acceleration in the implementation of Smart Neighbourhoods:

Smart home automation is another big upgrade brought in the real estate industry leveraging IoT technology. Sure Smart homes and Smart building have been mastered, the next step towards accomplishing the dream of Smart City would be to implement a solution called ‘Smart Neighbourhood’. The goal is to create a place to live in which can be safe and in the utmost hygienic conditions. This is a concept as of now that is predicted to get materialized during the next year.

By using smart sensors which will sense, record and transfer every bit of activity like walking routes, shared car use, building occupancy, sewage flow, and temperature choice at all times to ensure maintaining the best possible conditions in the neighbourhood. The smart neighbourhood is a significant concept to turn a dream called ‘Smart City’ into a reality.

4. The growth of IoT based Smart Healthcare Solutions:

Research firm Berg predicts that by 2021 there will be 50.2 million people remotely monitored using connected healthcare devices compared to 7.1 million in 2016.

Smart hospital and IoT based Smart healthcare solutions have started gaining popularity in the healthcare market during this year.

Many IoT based healthcare solutions like smart pills, smart home care, personal healthcare management, IoT based mobile solutions for health and fitness, enhanced patient care management, smart inventory management, secure and sensitive data management have been invented. These smart solutions have the potential to deeply penetrate the healthcare industry inside-out during the year 2019. In one statement, IoT has brought healthcare home for the people.

5. Connected Cars will own the roads in 2019:

An automobile is an industry in which IoT has been delivering solutions for a few good years now. Self-driven cars concept running in certain areas of USA is a result of smart IoT sensors which automates the whole driving experience for passengers. The potential of IoT for automobiles does not limit here. More predictions and opportunities are coming under the microscope which can happen actually during 2019.

Leveraging custom IoT application development which can work with hardware to build a remote diagnostic system will be the heart of all the vehicles. The cars will be talking to your virtually via mobile applications about their health and other parameters. Even remote tracking in real-time can be implemented for monitoring driving behavior. Sensors can be used to measure fuel levels, tyre pressure, fault codes, etc. Custom features like nearby roadside assistance, restaurants, gas stations, hospitals, etc. can be shown through Google map or MapKit through JavaScript API integration.