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TOP 5 APIs You Should Know If You Want To Build Fantasy League Platform

The universe of games is a great deal like a business. There’s preparation, rivalry wins, and misfortunes, enthusiasm, diligent work. To make it alive by sitting at home and enjoying the culture we introduce Fantasy Sports leveraging custom fantasy sports app development. Fantasy Sports is a world within itself, and for this we need APIs to be integrated with mobile applications developed. With regards to the application programming interfaces (APIs) and the API economy, the inquiry that gets posted to most habitually is “What is an API?”. Some may have the prospect that it’s a remote server. But in turn an API isn’t equivalent to the remote server – rather it is the piece of the server that gets demands and sends reactions.


Tailing it joins back to 1980, dream sports is simply the field wherein radical diversions fans substantiate themselves as they fail miserably hardest. Regardless of whether it’s baseball, football, or some other game held tight measurements, dream members draft a fanciful group inside a nonexistent class of genuine competitors. They utilize their games know-acceptable behavior as administrator for a season, beginning players and making exchanges. Contenders procure focuses dependent on how their picks perform in genuine amusements, and whoever has the most focuses toward the finish of the period wins.

How might it work?

Envision a server in an eatery. You, the client, are sitting at the table with a menu of decisions to arrange from, and the kitchen is the supplier who will satisfy your request.

You need a connection to impart your request to the kitchen and after that to convey your sustenance back to your table. It can’t be the culinary specialist since she’s cooking in the kitchen. You need something to interface the client who’s requesting sustenance and the cook who sets it up. That is the place the server – or the API – enters the image.

The server takes your request, conveys it to the kitchen, guiding the kitchen. It at that point conveys the reaction, for this situation, the sustenance, back to you. Also, if it’s planned effectively, ideally, your request won’t crash!

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The working is clear and clean to the appreciation. 

  • We make our gatherings and let others oblige us in the partnership.
  • The battle occurs as a live match.
  • Contenders gain centers subordinate around how their picks perform in genuine live entertainments, and whoever has the most concentrations close to the completion of the period wins.

Statistica for Fantasy Sports API:

  • Around 23 million dynamic players around the globe.
  • Around 7 million users in India, estimated for users to increase 50 million by 2020.
  • The development of imagination application clients in the year 2018 was 20 to 25%, is set to increase to 32% by the end of 2019.

TOP 5 comprehended APIs you should know to develop a Fantasy League Platform:

Let’s dive into the world of some well known Fantasy Sports APIs. The fantasy world that comprises of passion and devotion for sports, is a platform to explore and try a hand in the real sports arena.

  1. API Football
  2. Cricket Live Scores API
  3. API NBA
  4. TheRundown
  5. Live Sports Odds

1) API Football

“Football” is among the world’s most played games. API Football covers almost 160 leagues in football.

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Features of API Football that you are going to enjoy.

  • Matches and Events are refreshed each moment, a few alliances have just last outcome just (check in our inclusion table).
  • Lineups are accessible somewhere in the range of 20 and 40 minutes before the match.
  • Match Statistics are refreshed at regular intervals.
  • Standings are refreshed each end coordinate.
  • Player statics and info are updated each day.
  • Pre-match notification is served.
  • News related to matches is updated.

2) Cricket Live Scores API

“Cricket” doesn’t need any definition. It’s also among the world’s most played games like football. Cricket Live Scores API gives precious information to create cricket related applications.

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Features of Cricket Live Scores API that you are going to enjoy:

  • Matches and events are refreshed each moment.
  • Player stats are updated each day.
  • Lineups are accessible somewhere in the range of 30 minutes before the match.
  • Pre-match notification is served.


“Basketball” is one of the popular game among youngsters like cricket. The National Basketball Association (NBA) is a men’s expert b-ball group in North America; made out of 30 groups (29 in the United States and 1 in Canada). It is broadly viewed as the chief men’s expert ball alliance on the planet.

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Features of API NBA that you are going to enjoy:

  • Matches and events are refreshed each moment.
  • Player stats are updated each day.
  • Lineups are accessible somewhere in the range of 30 to 40 minutes before the match.
  • Pre-match notification is served.
  • Winners will be displayed.

4) TheRundown API

It’s an API for Football, Basketball, and Hockey. TheRundown API provides us with live scores and ongoing chances from sportsbooks.

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Features of TheRundown API that you are going to enjoy:

  • Live scores of matches are refreshed every moment.
  • Event status (started, in-progress, halftime, etc.) for matches.
  • The game period is updated daily.
  • Scores by period are updated every moment.
  • Winners will be displayed.
  • Venue name and location will be displayed.
  • Game clock.

5) Live Sports Odds

It’s a straightforward API to get live chances for football, soccer, basketball and loads more, from a few US, UK, and Aussie bookmakers.

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Features of Live Sports Odds API that you are going to enjoy:

  • Matches and events are refreshed each moment.
  • Player stats are updated each day.
  • Pre-match notification is served.
  • Scores by game period are updated every moment.
  • Lineups will be visible 30 to 40 minutes before the match.

Why choose Let’s Nurture for Fantasy Sports API Integration services?

Let’s Nurture is an ISO 9001:2015 certified web app development company in India, USA, Canada, Australia, UK, and Singapore. Using dominance of our in-house web engineers, Android originators, iOS engineers with cross-arrange headway limits, we have passed on dream sports answers for diversions dears.

If you have to get some answers concerning Sports API joining organizations or have any request; empathetically contact us or offer nuances at

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